This is a list (you might say dumping ground) of links to hikes we have done in the years indicated. The two of us started hiking well before 2008, mostly in Washington State, but we weren't blogging back then. We currently spend time between Seattle and Bergamo, Italy. For walks specific to Bergamo and the province, see the Walking Around Bergamo page.
2008 (6 hikes), 2009 (1 hike), 2010 (5 hikes), 2011 (3 hikes), 2012 (3 hikes), 2013 (12 hikes), 2014 (11 hikes), 2015 (11 hikes), 2016 (28 hikes), 2017 (24 hikes), 2018 (17 hikes), 2019 (11 hikes), 2020 (14 hikes), 2021 (17 hikes), 2022 (5 hikes), 2023 (19 hikes), 2024 (18 hikes), 2025 (1 hike)
This list has two purposes. First, we hope it helps others who may stumble across this site looking for information or inspiration. Almost all the hikes linked here have a blog post describing it. We have used the internet to get information and draw inspiration, and this list and our blog in general is our humble attempt to return the favor. Second, this list helps us remember what we did. We are surprised how many times we return to this page to find out when or how we did a certain hike.
We hike because it's a form of exploration for us; exploration of both outside and inside, the world around us and the world inside our heads. We think better when we hike. It clears our minds. When we've got a problem to mull over, we head to the hills. Hiking is not about highs, lows, or distances, but about the ideas you arrive at.
What makes up a good hike? There are many factors that might make a hike interesting, most out of your control and that even the best planning can't account for. We can say this though: to ensure a good hike, you definitely can and should go with an open-mind.
A little story...
In the late 1990s, I went back to the town where I grew up in the rolling hills of northwest Connecticut. I drove a rental car by the different spots that were important to me as a kid. I went by the house where I grew up and by my high school.
During that trip down memory lane, I was struck by how close everything was. When I was young, the distances seemed so much greater. Though it was barely 2 miles between house and school, as a kid I remembered it as being a great distance. I would stress out when I needed a ride to or from school and nobody would or could do it. As such, I didn't join many after-school activities because I was afraid of not being able to get home.
The question that popped into my mind during my adult visit was this: as a kid, why didn't I just walk? The only answer I can think of is that the idea of walking never entered my head and it wasn't a concept I grew up with. My family rarely walked or hiked, so I didn't have much experience to draw upon. What a shame. My desire now to walk, hike, and in general get out and see the world was partially born from that observation and regret. Distance should not be a barrier to doing something or going somewhere.And now, the hikes...
[Greece] Hydra Hikes - February 2008
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo] A Hike from Piazza Brembana to Piazzatorre via Monte Torcola - March 2017
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Valle Seriana] Seven Days on the Sentiero delle Orobie – A Journey Through the Bergamo Alps - July 2018 - 7 days of hiking
[Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Val Badia, Val di- Fassa, Val Gardena] Six Days in Alta Badia: Hiking, Walking, and Dining - September 2018 - 4 days of hiking
[Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Madonna di Campiglio] Three Short Winter Hikes in Madonna di Campiglio - January 2019 - 3 days of hiking
[Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Madonna di Campiglio] A Hike to Lago Nambino - December 2019
(no blog post for this hike)[Greece, Crete] Two short hikes around Plakias (Foinikas) Crete. (October 2021) For information about related trip, see 12 Days in Crete and We Barely Scratched the Surface.
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo] Hike to Capanna 2000
Discussed in the post Cattedrale Vegetale of Oltre il Colle and Climate Change.
[Italy, Piedmont, Cuneo] Montefallonio (Peveragno) to Vigna Hike (May 2022)
no blog post
[Italy, Brescia, Ponte di Legno] Hike Above Ponte di Legno - Torrente Narcanello (June 2022)
no blog post
no blog post
[Italy, Tuscany, Poppi] A Hike Near Val Camaldoli (July 2022)
no blog post
[Italy, Lombardy, Brescia, Passo Tonale] Malga Valbiolo (February 2023)
[Italy, Lombardy, Brescia, Ponte di Legno] Val Canè (February 2023)
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo] Canto Alto (June 2023)
no blog post
[Italy, Tuscany, Pappiano] Hike to the Source of the Arno River and Lago degli Idoli (Lake of the Idols) (June 2023)
[Italy, Trentino Alto-Adige, Merano] Hike 1/5 Merano - Pfossental (Val di Fosse)
(July 2023)
[Italy, Trentino Alto-Adige, Merano] Hike 2/5 Merano - Spronsor Seen Lakes
(July 2023)
[Italy, Trentino Alto-Adige, Merano] Hike 3/5 Merano - Meran 2000 - Kratzbergersee Lake
(July 2023)
[Italy, Trentino Alto-Adige, Merano] Hike 4/5 Merano - Monte Cervina (Hirzer)
(July 2023)
[Italy, Trentino Alto-Adige, Merano] Hike 5/5 Merano - Monte Cervina (Hirzer) - Riffelspitz Loop Hike
(July 2023)
[Italy, Sondrio, Val Masino] Hike in Val Masino - Valle di Predarossa, Rifugio Cesare Ponti
(July 2023)
[Italy, Brescia, Monte Guglielmo] Monte Guglielmo Hike
(August 2023)
[Italy, Bergamo, Cornalba] A Hike to Monte Alben
(August 2023)
[Italy, Bergamo, Valsassina, Moggio] Hiking Between Piani di Artavaggio and Piani di Bobbio
(August 2023)
[Italy, Bergamo, Upper Val Brembana] Hike to Pizzo Tre Signori and Rifugio FALC
(August 2023)
[Italy, Val Sabbia] Hike to Laghetti di Bruffione
(August 2023)
[Italy, Bergamo, Val Seriana] Exploring Monte Poieto, Cornagera, and the Buco della Carolina
(September 2023)
[Turkey, Cappadocia] Pigeon and Love Valleys and Rose Valley Hikes in Cappadocia
(October 2023)

[Italy, Bergamo, Colli di Bergamo] All Saints’ Day Hike to Canto Basso and Grammar Lesson
(November 2023)
[Italy, Lombardy, Brescia, Passo del Tonale] Two Winter Hikes in Passo del Tonale
(January 2024)
(January 2024)
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Colli di San Fermo] Hiking Ol Murlansì - From Colognola di Casazza to Monte Ballerino and Colli San Fermo
(April 2024)
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Valcanale (Ardesio)] An Early Spring Hike to Lago Branchino in Valcanale (Ardesio), in the Upper Val Seriana
(April 2024)
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Valzurio] A Loop Hike in Valzurio: Baita Moschel to Rifugio Rino Olmo and Back
(April 2024)
[Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Val Brembana] A Hike from Botta di Sedrina to Canto Alto
(May 2024)
[Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Val di Funes] One Week of Hiking in Val di Funes (Villnöss) - Six Suggested Hikes
(June 2024)
[Italy, Lombardy, Valsassina] Hike to Rifugio Bietti-Buzzi and Bogani - Grigna Settentrionale
(August 2024)
(August 2024)
[Italy, Sondrio, Valmalenco] Three Day Hike - Valmalenco (Italy) and Forno Glacier (Switzerland)
(August 2024)
[Italy, Bergamo, Val Seriana] A Walk to Alzano Lombardo for Lunch – Burro and No-News
(November 2024)
[Italy, Bergamo, Val Seriana] Monte Misma – Just Outside Our Window
(December 2024)
[Italy, Bergamo, Val di Scalve] Val di Scalve – Hike to to Rifugio Cimon Bagozza, Passo dei Campelli, and Rifugio Campione
(March 2025)
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