Today we decided to visit two Medici Villas, Garden of Medici Villa of Castello and the Medici Villa of Petraia. Both gardens are definitely in winter mode as all the citrus and sensitive plants are tucked away in the cold frames and green houses. But we are autumnal-kind-of people so the visit was perfect for us. Plus, there were no other souls to speak of. Both gardens are free to get into. Both gardens are within walking distance of each other.
To get there take the #2 or #28 bus from the train station. (Looking at the train station from the front, the bus stop is to the right side.) Plan your trip using the ATAF web site. Enter the starting location as Piazza della Stazione, 1 and the ending destination as Via del Castello 47. It takes about 20 minutes to get there. Both villas are located northwest of city center in an area called Castello. Count stops from the start or keep your eyes posted for the Sestese 05 stop. (Odds going out from the city and evens coming into the city, I think.)
Here is an aerial that shows both villas, Castello to the left and Petraia to the right. We both liked Petraia more. Just a bit more striking, at least at this time of the year. Plus there is lots of walking opportunities in the “wild” (not really) area behind the villa.

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