We spend 4 hours in the Uffizi today. Some standouts for us:
--Rosso Fiorentino’s “Madonna col Bambino e Santi” for its almost grotesque portrayal of this common scene
--Michelangelo’s “Doni Tondo” for its powerful Mary (literally muscular)
--Tiziano’s “Venus of Urbino” for its sensualness
--Parmigiano’s “Madonna dal collo lungo” for the funky Madonna with the long neck
--Boticelli’s “Primavera” because it is fun to look at
--Leonardo da Vinci’s “Annuciation” because even if we’ve seen the image a 1000 times, it is impressive in person
I took a picture of the hall with my crappy cell phone. It shows the intersection of corridor 1 and 2. Basically the museum is like a squared letter “U”. The short side runs parallel to the river and faces south.
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