We’ve jogged by this restaurant, Omero - outside of Florence, several times and decided that we should try it. It is located in Arcetri, across the street from the place Galileo lived out the rest of his life under house arrest by the church. (It only took the church 300 years to realize Galileo was right.) The area is called the Pian dei Giullari (“Field of Minstrels”). Some more photos.
We walked from our apartment (near Ponte Vecchio) which took us about 20 minutes – we are fast walkers. This was a Sunday dinner so we booked ahead. The clientele was about 90% Italian, older, well-heeled – probably most own a nearby villa (wishful thinking). The restaurant is discussed in the Food Lover’s Guide to Florence and is accurately described as serving Tuscan favorites and that’s true. There are a number of fried items such as fried chicken, which we had for a main dish – and which doesn’t really translate to what you might think of as fried chicken in the states. The chicken is chopped into large pieces, bone and all, and fried with a very light crispy crust. We also had grilled steak sliced (“tagliata”), served with arugula. I had the crostini with cavolo nero (toasted bread, lots of olive oil, and mound of cavolo nero (black kale) on top) as a starter and Mark had pasta with cavolo nero with a cream of white bean paste. Of course a nice bottle of wine was enjoyed.
The restaurant is not cheap, but for the sense of being in the country (good views), eating good food, and escaping Florence is worth it.
Whooooaaa....wait just a minute...whooaa... you... "JOGGED" by a restaurant? whoooaaa... please hold the phone while I wrap my consciousness around the fact you did something other than eat and go to museums... whhoooaa... It's all too much. I many need to see evidence of such said "jog."