Okay, part of the reason we choose this restaurant for lunch was that it was raining buckets and we were soaked and ended up in front of this restaurant. However, it was on our list to try. (Today was the wettest we've seen in Florence, almost 3" or 75mm).
Il Santo Bevitore is located in the Oltrarno on a street which runs parallel to the Arno, but one street south. It has a nice feel inside, roomy with plenty of space to stretch out. The lunch menu was fairly simple in regard to choices (preferred by me, less choice is better sometimes in a restaurant). We started with an antipasto of salumi and formaggio with a terrific mustarda di pera, I had a nice, thick zuppa di cavolo nero, and Mark had a risotto con radicchio e salsiccia. Perfetto.
Il Santo Bevitore is located in the Oltrarno on a street which runs parallel to the Arno, but one street south. It has a nice feel inside, roomy with plenty of space to stretch out. The lunch menu was fairly simple in regard to choices (preferred by me, less choice is better sometimes in a restaurant). We started with an antipasto of salumi and formaggio with a terrific mustarda di pera, I had a nice, thick zuppa di cavolo nero, and Mark had a risotto con radicchio e salsiccia. Perfetto.
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