We went to the Eurochocolate Festival in Perugia today. It was okay. Yes, I’m a huge chocolate fan, but I don’t enjoy chocolate in a festival format I guess. I enjoy chocolate that is more hidden and unexpected. For example, turning the corner in a small town and finding a good chocolate shop. Not a two ton bar of chocolate trying to break the world record (though I did have a photo taken of me in front of it) or a huge Sony play station controller made of chocolate. What was that all about??
Okay, we bought some chocolate, but mostly we just toured Perugia (thanks to F & N we knew where we were going). We did stop at Sandri (2nd time there for us) for a coffee and a snack. We took a small walk out to Chiesa Sant’Angelo to show the friends we were with and climbed the nearby tower in the third wall - that surrounds the city - for a great panorama. Brozzetti was closed unfortunately.
We ate lunch at Wine Bartolo Hosteria (in the Slow Food red guide) and it was so so, I'm sorry to say. Not spectacular. Maybe they were having an off day.
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