View from Scorpion Mountain Peak, Looking East

Left: Johnson Ridge Meadow Slope; Right: View from Scorpion Mountain, Looking South
Hike Notes
Length: 9.9 miles (WTA reports it as 9.0)
Duration: 6 hours
Elevation Gain: 4,723 ft (starting 3,700 ft, max 5,540 ft)
Location: Central Cascades, Stevens Pass West
Our second hike of the 2014 season. A pleasant hike under misty, cool skies. We made it to Scorpion Mountain Peak and then on a little more to Joan Lake, which was still snowed in. This hike made up for the less than idea Crystal Mountain Loop Hike a week earlier. The Johnson Ridge trail has you following a ridge that unexpectedly has very large trees on it, lending a sheltered feeling. You are literally weaving between trees as you follow the ridge. Then you poke out onto a meadow for a bit, and then back into trees. Very magical.
[Ericaceae] Cassiope mertensiana (White Heather)
[Portulacaceae] Claytonia lanceolata (Western Spring Beauty)
[Liliaceae] Clintonia uniflora (Queen-Cup)
[Onagraceae] Chamerion angustifolium (Fireweed)
[Liliaceae] Erythronium grandiflorum (Yellow Glacier Lily)
[Liliaceae] Lilium columbianum (Columbia Lily)
[Boraganaceae] Mertensia paniculata (Tall Bluebells)
[Scrophulariaceae] Nothocheolone nemorosa (Woodland Beardtongue or Turtlehead)
[Ericaceae] Phyllodoce empetriformis (Pink Mountain-Heath)
[Rosaceae] Potentilla flabellifolia (Fan-Leaved Cinquefoil)
[Ericaceae] Orthilia secunda (Sidebells Wintergreen) was Pyrola secunda[Ranunculaceae] Ranunculus easchscholtzii (Snowpatch Buttercup)?
[Ericaceae] Rhododentron albiflora (White Rhododendron)
Left: Phyllodoce empetriformis (Pink Mountain-Heath); Right: Cassiope mertensiana (White Heather)
Left: Chamerion angustifolium (Fireweed); Right: Lupine with small beetle
Left: Claytonia lanceolata (Western Spring Beauty); Right: Clintonia uniflora (Queen-Cup)
Johnson Ridge Meadow Flowers (South-Facing)
Left: Johnson Ridge Trees (at the ridge) ; Right: Orthilia secunda (Sidebells Wintergreen)
Mertensia paniculata? (Tall Bluebells?)
Nothocheolone nemorosa (Woodland Beardtongue or Turtlehead)
Left: Potentilla flabellifolia (Fan-Leaved Cinquefoil); Right: Lilium columbianum (Columbia Lily)
Left: Ranunculus easchscholtzii (Snowpatch Buttercup)?; Right: Mosquito at Joan Lake (buzzing us as we stood on a snowfield)
Trail as View from Google Earth
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