Monday, August 9, 2021

Music Album Covers with Babies on Them - Part 2

A composite image of 16 music album covers featuring babies.
A composite image of 16 music album covers featuring babies.

This post is part of a 2-part series on album covers with babies on them. Part 1. Part 2 (this post).

The 16 albums shown in this post feature babies on the covers. Babies are used to sell many products and music is no exception. On the 1972 album "Baby James Harvest," from the British progressive rock band Barclay James Harvest, the baby photo was the idea of the group’s manager and the album title was based on the resulting photo. On the 1986 Call album "Reconciled" the baby in a doctor’s bag may refer to the imagery of a fresh start as this album from the California-based quartet is filled with Christian mysticism. On Nirvana’s 1991 grunge classic "Nevermind" the baby floating in the pool chasing a dollar bill on a hook has been described by the designer, Robert Fisher as representing lead singer Curt Cobain’s innocence (the baby) in a an alien environment (the water) lured into the corporate world of rock music (the dollar bill on the hook).

Other babies in this group of albums include: a baby at a feast (3 Doors Down "Seventeen Days"), a baby in free fall (Sammy Hagar "Ten 13"), a baby with headphones (Papa Roach "Lovehatetragedy"), and a baby smoking (Van Halen "1984").

The albums cover a period from 1972 – 2008. A question: as in part 1 of this series, we couldn't find any babies on the cover after 2008. Could it be that as a album cover theme, babies weren't cool anymore?

Row 1:

2005 – 3 Doors Down "Seventeen Days"
2001 – 30 Odd Foot of Grunts "Bastard Life or Clarity"
1990 – Aphrodite's Child "Best Of Aphrodite's Child"
1972 – Barclay James Harvest "Baby James Harvest"

Row 2:

1997 – Cure "Galore – The Singles 1987 – 1997"
2008 – James "Hey Ma"
1991 – Nirvana "Nevermind"
2002 – Papa Roach "Lovehatetragedy"

Row 3:

1971 – Paul Kantner, Grace Slick "Sunfighter"
2000 – Sammy Hagar "Ten 13"
2004 – Taking Back Sunday "Where You Want to Be"
1986 – The Call "Reconciled"

Row 4:

2004 – The Presidents of the United States "Love Everybody"
1984 – Van Halen "1984"
1976 – Vanilla Fudge "2 Originals of Vanilla Fudge" – compilation
1991 – Zucchero "Rispetto"

3 Doors Down - Seventeen Days
Odd Foot of Grunts - Bastard Life or Clarity
Aphrodite's Child - Best Of
Barclay James Harvest - Baby James Harvest
Cure - Galore – The Singles 1987 – 1997
James - Hey Ma
Nirvana - Nevermind
Papa Roach - Lovehatetragedy
Paul Kantner, Grace Slick - Sunfighter
Sammy Hagar - Ten 13
Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want to Be
The Call - Reconciled
The Presidents of the United States - Love Everybody
Van Halen - 1984
Vanilla Fudge - 2 Originals of Vanilla Fudge
Zucchero - Rispetto


  1. found this because i thought sunfighter and nevermind had a striking resemblance. wonder if cobain just nicked the idea. 'okay the same but underwater'.

  2. I'm always amazed when I go back and find something older similar to something newer. Then I too start to wonder about possible influence or inspiration.


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