When travelling, I’m always tempted by racks of maps and brochures. I can’t help it. Who knows, one might come in handy, right? Well, actually, more like wrong. But, collect I do. A few months ago it was maps and guides for Iceland in Too Many Maps – Iceland Case Study. This time around we are planning a return visit to Piedmont and for once I decided to pull out everything we had collected in our past five trips there. First, it was strange to find duplicates of several things (I guess the same brochures look just as good the second time). Secondly, what we collected is turning out to be useful in the planning phase. There, justification.
Our collection of maps and brochures deals mostly with the southwest of Piemonte, La Provincia di Cuneo, where our family is located. Cherasco (Cherasco – Good Chocolate and Good Food) is represented well in the brochures we’ve collected. We always enjoy visiting Cherasco. (In that post's title, I elevated chocolate as something more than food and as well I should. Chocolate is a way of life.)
Information about Truffles – Carta della Qualità Brochure

Cherasco Brochures – Città del Cioccolato e Capitale Italiana della Lumaca

The Province of Cuneo (Blu Edizioni) Libro and Il Cuneese MappaThe Province of Cuneo is in English and is very useful.

Saluzzo Information

I Sentieri (Walking Paths) in Casotto, Corsaglia and Roburentello

Santuario di Vicoforte

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