This is the 72nd year for Mostra Internazionale dell’Artigianato - a festival of arts and crafts. There’s food (of course), clothes, household goods (all sorts), people working on their craft in front of your eyes, kiddy rides, and more. Much of the exhibition space (from what we could tell) is devoted to Italian arts and crafts, but International is represented as well. This year it was from the 25th of April to 4th of May at the Fortezza da Basso.
We spent 90% of the few hours we were there in the food section. There were just too many samples to try. We walked out with a number of salamis and chocolate, what else did you expect?
An interesting note is that the fair started back in the 1930s under Fascist leadership in Florence. The fascists were looking to give Fascism a cultural and aristocratic polish by sponsoring cultural events. It looks the fair survived Fascism, thankfully, and today has no political overtones.
We spent 90% of the few hours we were there in the food section. There were just too many samples to try. We walked out with a number of salamis and chocolate, what else did you expect?
An interesting note is that the fair started back in the 1930s under Fascist leadership in Florence. The fascists were looking to give Fascism a cultural and aristocratic polish by sponsoring cultural events. It looks the fair survived Fascism, thankfully, and today has no political overtones.
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