Two new music recommendations from Travelmarx are Patrick Watson’s 2009 release Wooden Arms (listen) and Benoît Pioulard’s 2006 release Précis (listen).
Wooden Arms we first heard of on NPR’s Best Music of the Year So Far feature. The segment of the show played the track Beijing and we were hooked. The style of music? Indie pop and chamber pop with a dollop of dreamy sort of describes it. Check out Watson's site for more info.

Précis is a little harder to grasp on first listen. As the review on AllMusic.com notes “Superficial as it can be to judge an album by its artwork, the shimmer and shadow on the cover of Benoît Pioulard's first full-length (and Kranky debut), Précis, aptly depicts the music inside.” The first track La Guerre de Sept Ans is a 3 minute noise experiment that’s sort of a test to see if you can handle the rest of the album. Check out Pioulard's site for more info.
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