I've grouped the street art photographed in to the following (perhaps nonsensical categories):
The Writing on the Wall

Sara Riel
Left: "Acorn" [2010], Laugarvegur, Reykjavík, Iceland; Right: "The Mushroom" [2012], Hverfisgata, ReykjavÍk, Iceland

"Animali" [2012] with Thomas Korn, Njálsgata, Reykjavik, Iceland

"Cultivate your own garden" [2012] in collaboration with Davíð Örn Halldórsson, Seljavegur 42, Reykjavík, Iceland. More info on graffiti in Reykjavik.

Left: "Fönix" [2012], Nýlendugata, Reykjavík, Iceland; Right: "Hands" [2008], Around Reyjkavik, Iceland and "Micrometeorite" [2012]

Guido van Helten

Guido van Helten

Guido van Helten

Other faces…

Left: Mind Games; Right: Indie



Center and Right: Underwater World by https://www.facebook.com/raffaella.sigurdardottir

RWS – reminds of “springs”

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