For the rest of the weekend, the three year old kept repeating to me “paraurti paraurti paraurti” in a sing-song perfect Italian accent (that I’ll never achieve)! Paraurti are bumpers or fenders.
Well, that incident got me thinking about Italian words that start with para and what’s up with them. In this post, I show there are two broad classes of para words. Para by itself is the third person singular form of the verb parare – to block or parry. Besides that, we can turn to Treccani para – 1 definition. It roughly says: “Para is the first element of numerous compound words, generally indicating objects that serve to repair, to protect from what is indicated by the second element.” Examples of these words are shown below in MEANING 1 and include paraurti. It's fairly easy to understand how these words work.
There is a second family of para-words described by the Treccani para – 2 definition. It is a more complicated definition roughly summed up as: “The para prefix of many compound words derived from Greek or formed modernly, mean both spatial proximity (with the significance of the Greek preposition it derives from) and similarity, affinity or even secondary relationship, deviation, alteration, contrast, and similar. Examples of these words are shown below in MEANING 2. These words tend to have cognates in English, for example, paralegal (paralegale) and paramilitary (paramilitare). (In science and medical terms, the para in this MEANING 2 sense is very nuanced and we don’t cover that here.)
Protection against something (the second word of the compound word). Riparo, oltre.
parabraccio / parabracci – armguard, protection of the arm
parabraccio / parabracci – armguard, protection of the arm
parabrezza / parabrezza – windshield, protection again the wind
paracadute / paracaduti – a parachute, protection against falling straight out of the sky
paradenti / paradenti – a mouthguard, protection for teeth
parafango / parafanghi – mudguard, protection against mud
parafulmine / parafulmini – lightening rod, protection against lightening
paraluce / paraluci – lens hood, protection again light
paralume / paralumi – lampshade, protection against light (lume)
paraneve / paranevi – snow guard, protection against snow (usually found on the edge of a roof)
paraolio / paraolio – oil seal, protection against leaking oil
parapioggia / parapioggia – umbrella or rain cover, protection against rain
paraschizzi / paraschizzi – backspash or splashguard, protection against splashes (schizzi)
parasole / parasole – sunshade or canopy, protection against the sun
paraspiffero / paraspifferi – a door sausage (draft stopper), protection against drafts (spifferi)
paraspigolo / paraspigoli – corner or edge guard, protection for edges
paraspruzzi / paraspruzzi – mud flap or splashguard, protection against sprays or splashes (spruzzi)
paraurti / paraurti – bumper or fender, protection against bumps or collisions (urti)
paravalanghe / paravalanghe – avalanche barriers, protection against avalanches
paravento / paraventi – screen or windscreen, protection against wind
Closeness to something or being alongside something. Vicinanza, vicino, di fianco.
parabuddista / parabuddisti/e - who or what that is close to Buddhism
parafarmacia / parafarmacia – Para pharmacy, similar to a traditional pharmacy but dealing in non-prescription items
parafarmaco / parafarmaci – non-prescription or over the counter health products
parainfluenzale / parainfluenzali – disease caused by viruses that resemble the influenza virus
paraintellettuale / paraintellettuale – who or what that imitates intellectuals
paramedico / paramedica/ci/che – paramedic or first responder, not a doctor or physician but can work alongside them
paralegale / paralegali – a paralegal, not a lawyer but typically works alongside them
paramilitare / paramilitari – organized like an army but not official or legal
paranormale / paranormali – supernatural, beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding
parapsicologico / parapsicologica/ci/che - the field of study concerned with paranormal psychological phenomena
parascolastico / parascolastica/chi/che - extracurricular activities, alongside but outside of school activities
parasubordinato / parasubordinata/i/e - consultant, collaboration, not a fixed position
parabuddista / parabuddisti/e - who or what that is close to Buddhism
parafarmacia / parafarmacia – Para pharmacy, similar to a traditional pharmacy but dealing in non-prescription items
parafarmaco / parafarmaci – non-prescription or over the counter health products
parainfluenzale / parainfluenzali – disease caused by viruses that resemble the influenza virus
paraintellettuale / paraintellettuale – who or what that imitates intellectuals
paramedico / paramedica/ci/che – paramedic or first responder, not a doctor or physician but can work alongside them
paralegale / paralegali – a paralegal, not a lawyer but typically works alongside them
paramilitare / paramilitari – organized like an army but not official or legal
paranormale / paranormali – supernatural, beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding
parapsicologico / parapsicologica/ci/che - the field of study concerned with paranormal psychological phenomena
parascolastico / parascolastica/chi/che - extracurricular activities, alongside but outside of school activities
parasubordinato / parasubordinata/i/e - consultant, collaboration, not a fixed position
Thanks, helped a lot!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting. I always wondered where words starting with para came from.