Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Rules for Blogging - Gathered from 16 Years of Experience

AI generated images about blogging - Designer AI generated images about blogging - Designer AI generated images about blogging - Designer 
AI images about blogging (source).

The following are principles that have guided us in blogging for the last 16 years. We didn't start off with a set of principles in mind, rather, they developed in time. Take what guidance you want from them or in the least get inspired to come up with your own. (You can read “blog” here as “write” in whatever format or platform you choose.)

Rules of Thumb

Blogging Rules of Thumb - Strategic

  • Blog for yourself first and foremost.
  • Don't spend too much timing imagining a perceived audience and what will make them happy. What makes you happy is what you should write about.
  • The creation process is the point of blogging. Not number of readers or popularity.
  • Follow your passion for what you blog about. Follow it to odd extremes and go down different paths.
  • Stay away from negativity unless it is constructive and illustrative. Negativity doesn’t age well and is hard to do well and wittily.
  • Short posts are okay. If you don't have much to say, don't say much.
  • Unique diagrams, photos, and insight are good. Be different. Add value through your uniqueness. Add value by writing about your experiences.
  • Think long term about how the blog will age over time. Will a post be a time capsule of interest, remain relevant or be completely uninteresting 50 years from now? What would your writing look like in other contexts (a book e.g.)?
  • Connect your blog posts together over time.

Blogging Rules of Thumb - Tactical

  • High resolution images are good. The higher the better. Storage is free.
  • Use links but don't make the post dependent on them. Links don't last long, i.e., sites disappear and links change surprisingly frequently.
  • Try to get as close to the reference material you are using as possible rather than relying on secondary sources. (If you restate Wikipedia often, maybe you should go and join their effort and make their pages better and stop blogging. I should take my own advice.)
  • When creating a link don't just say "here", spell out the link name. Think about a printed version of the material: "here" won't make sense.

Set Your Expectations

  • If you are a new blogger or an obscure blogger (and most are, including this blog), chances are that few people will read your blog. Not even your friends or family. Screaming into the void? Pissing into the wind? Perhaps. Our blogging theme song could be Birds Fly (A Whisper to A Scream) by the Icicle Works.
  • If you are thinking you can make a quick buck on advertising, run the numbers carefully. You have to have a lot of page views. (For example, read about our experience here: Valentine’s Day and I Broke Up with Google AdSense.)
  • Unless you are already famous, chances are that your blog will be found when people search for something and come upon your blog and word of mouth or links start happening. (Assuming you don't pay for placement or something like that.)
  • Spend a little time and understand how to blog so that search engines can find and understand what you are writing about.
  • You will create ugly and beautiful posts. It's hard to know how a post will turn out. Also, it's hard to tell what will be popular (by tallying page views over time). Don't worry, just create.
  • Fill out the post metadata like location, and search descriptions. Give good URI names to the posts like "rules-for-blogging.html".
  • Publishing your blog content in our social media can help bring in readers. It's not something we've done with this blog.

Unexpected Blog Rewards

  • A blog is a handy reference to look up things you did, said or discovered. We can't tell you the number of times we use our own blog for looking up things we've done.
  • A blog is handy to send to friends asking for advice on something you covered in a blog. Again, numerous times we've sent links to our blog about how to do something or something we did (usually travel-related).

Content Freshness

Keeping content fresh and thinking about future conversions is probably the furthest thing from your mind if you are just starting off. However, it's worth spending some time thinking about it, in particular how you'll be able to move content form one platform to a future platform.

In early 2023, we started thinking about how to convert blog content (accessible from RSS feeds) into markdown that we could save elsewhere. (In particular, we were targeting our Scrapbook effort as a blog backup.)

We learned a few things to help us with future conversions. Some lessons from this effort include:

1) Links to websites (besides Wikipedia) don't endure particularly long. We found many broken links in our old posts.

  • Lesson: If necessary, take a screenshot of the website to show it, especially if it’s an obscure site. Sounds stupid to do but think 10-20 years in the future. Or create a PDF of the site.
  • Lesson: Museum websites always change (and don't put redirects). If you must link, Wikipedia is a better choice.
  • Lesson: When linking to a website, don't link deep into the site. Link just the main page.

2)  Linking to other images breaks when image names change. Redirects are almost never in place.

  • Lesson: Always copy the image and give credit if necessary.

3) Formatting styles change in time. There will always be some time needed for "conversion" or "curation". To lessen the burden, consider the following:

  • Lesson: Go easy on links. It's okay not to hyperlink everything. Don't set target attributes.
  • Lesson: Avoid weird formatting like coloring (when not necessary) or spans or complicated HTML.
  • Lesson: Check the HTML and make sure it's as simple as possible (for future conversions).
  • Lesson: Be careful copying from Word or other sources as they can introduce formatting you may not want.

4) Don't’ skimp on images.

  • Lesson: Blog posts without at least one image are kind of boring. At least, when we looked back at old posts with no images, that was our first feeling.
  • Lesson: Always add at least one image and use your own images whenever possible.
  • Lesson: If an image isn’t readily available, have fun with the AI image generators? How well can you describe your blog to create an image to match? Examples are included in this post.

5) Add yourself, add little easter eggs.

  • Lesson: Put your thoughts and some "color" of the moment in your life that you are writing the post. It's a joy to read some thoughts you had no matter how silly from way back.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorophytum comosum (Spider plant)

McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum

In this POTS AND PLANTS post, we pair McCoy Basket Weave Planters with spider plants, Chlorophytum comosum. Several points to make:

  • Almost all of our McCoy pots made it to Bergamo, Italy in the international move. We may have left a few behind, stashed in a friend’s basement. Note to self: check.
  • The name typically used to describe these pieces is “McCoy Pottery Basket Weave Planters”, circa 1950's.
  • It’s great to be using these pots again. They are as they say in Italian of a certain cookiebrutti ma buoni” - ugly but good. The colors are garish, the forms strange, but we love them anyway.
  • It’s been a long time since a “Pots and Plants” post! In fact, our first in the series back in 2011 McCoy Flower Pots and Crassulaceae featured some of the same pots seen here.

We’ve been on a spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) kick lately. One day last summer, we were walking by the small chapel Beata Vergine di Caravaggio on the backside of the upper city of Bergamo and saw a spider plant outside the entrance. Usually, this plant is inside the locked chapel. We took one of the many plantlets and brought it home. That plant in turn produced more plantlets which are shown in these McCoy pots.

Spider plants remind me of my youth when I was designated plant waterer. They are tough plants. Many of these starts are destined for spots outdoors. Here, they are pictured in our “tower” where we temperature can go between 10 – 50 Celsius (50 to 104 Fahrenheit) seasonally.

It’s good to putz around with plants again. We’ve missed that. The other half of Travelmarx is thinking soon I'll be jonesing for macrame holders to hold these spider plants. Good idea!

Note: There is a Tradescantia snuck into these photos.

McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum

McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum McCoy Basket Weave Flower Pots and Chlorphytum comosum

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Desire Paths

Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Venice, Italy Desire path in Spoleto, Italy
Desire paths in Bergamo, Venice, and Spoleto Italy.

In the realm of urban planning, a desire path refers to the shortcuts created by pedestrians. Why pedestrians create desire paths is debated. Some authors (see references) say it’s a political statement or an expression of nonconformity. In the vast majority of cases, we believe this to be false. Pedestrians simply optimize their time getting from one point to another or optimize perceived safety.

As we collected desire paths for this post, it occurred to us that the concept can be applied to the internet, becoming a metaphor for our quest for information. 

The internet has no shortage of information pathways. Search engines, social media platforms, and websites serve as the paved sidewalks, guiding users towards their destinations. However, like pedestrians who carve out their own desire paths, internet users often find themselves forging their own routes in the pursuit of knowledge.

This act of finding your own path is not merely a means to an end but an essential part of the learning process. It is through this journey you engage with diverse perspectives, stumble upon new ideas, and ultimately, enrich your understanding. The destination, or the final piece of information, is just one part of the equation. The journey, filled with exploration and discovery, holds equal, if not more, significance.

The analogy between real-world desire paths and information desire paths breaks down when we consider the potential for getting stuck in Internet information bubbles. Real-world desire paths usually don’t have this feature, that is, getting stuck in a dangerous loop.

The internet does not dictate any particular path but allows the freedom to explore, to get lost, and to find your way back. In the best of situations – notwithstanding rabbit holes and information bubbles – this mirrors life, where the destination should not be overshadowed by the journey. After all, it is the journey that shapes us, that makes us who we are.

My information desire path about real-world desire paths started as an observation that I took for granted for many years and then started to wonder if others saw them too. And they do, for example: Desire Paths (reddit.com). That led me to realize that I was not at all original in my observations – though glad I was able to shed light on them. The Internet is humbling in that way. A day late and a dollar short would apply for many observations that I realize are old news like desire paths and ASMR. (For years, I thought it was just me that liked certain sounds. Then in 2016, I realized it wasn’t the case.)

When we first started thinking about desire paths, they made us angry. Why were people so rude we wondered. Then came a reality check that we used the same paths. Even later came the idea that desire paths express a sort of "good" social tension. What you are supposed to do and little shortcuts around that. That's healthy.  A city isn't a static place, it's always changing. If not paths, then doors.


Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Bergamo, Italy
Desire Paths in Bergamo Italy

Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path in Bergamo, Italy
Desire paths in Bergamo, Italy

Desire path in Bergamo, Italy Desire path - Chioggia, Italy Desire path in Venice, Italy Desire path in Istanbul, Türkiye 
Desire paths in Bergamo, Chioggia, Venice Italy, and in Istanbul, Türkiye.

Desire path in Laodicea on the Lycus (Türkiye) Desire path in Pompeii, Italy 
Left: Desire path in Laodicea on the Lycus (Türkiye). Right: Desire path in Pompeii, Italy.

Desire path in Venice, Italy Desire path in Venice, Italy Desire path in Venice, Italy Desire path in Venice, Italy
Desire paths in Venice, Italy.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Music Album Covers with a Person Smoking

A mosaic of 30 musical album covers featuring people smoking.
A mosaic of 30 musical album covers featuring people smoking.

Here are 30 album music album covers featuring a person smoking. About one third of the covers are from the 1970s.

Some stats: Smoking in the USA has fallen since 1965 when 42 percent of the adult population were cigarette smokers. As of 2021, the number has fallen to about 12 percent. As of 2023, about 19% of adult people in the world are smokers.

Some thoughts: smoking as “cool” is connected to glamour, sophistication, and iconic Hollowood figures. Smoking projects individuality and non-conformity – or at least that’s how it’s hoped to be perceived. Personally, when we see the smoking images, we think of people who we know that smoke and that dreaded “stench” that follow them around, a decidedly less glamourous, cool, and rebellious.

1970 Antonio Carlos Jobim - Stone Flower
1973 Harry Nilsson - A Light Touch of Schmilsson
1974 Badfinger - Badfinger
1974 Tom Waits - The Heat of Saturday Night
1975 David Bowie - Young Americans

1976 Gordon Lightfoot - Summertime Dream
1977 Jim Croce - Time in a Bottle
1979 John Mellencamp - John Cougar
1979 Marianne Faithfull - Broken English
1979 Miles Davis - Circle in the Round

1979 Rickie Lee Jones - Rickie Lee Jones
1980 John Hiatt - Two Bit Monsters
1980 Loverboy - Loverboy
1982 Donald Fagen - The Nightfly
1982 Sylvester - Do You Wanna Funk

1984 Van Halen - 1984
1987 The Smiths - Louder Than Bombs
1988 Noel - Noel
1989 Don Henley - The End of Innocence
1990 Sonic Youth - Goo

1992 Bob Marley - Songs of Freedom
1994 Original Soundtrack - Pulp Fiction
1998 Marianne Faithful - The Seven Deadly Sins
1999 Fred Buscaglione - Il Favoloso
2000 Joni Mitchell - Both Sides Now

2006 Artic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What Im Not
2015 Curtis Harding - Soul Power
2018 Caroline Rose - Loner
2021 Nick Lowe - The Convincer
2023 13th Ward Social Club - Gainsbourg, Volume One

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Sintra in Three Days - Plants and Patterns

Motivation ~ Itinerary and Tips ~ Plants and Patterns

Sintra, Portugal  - mosaic of 20 plants.Sintra, Portugal - 30 patterns from around town.Sintra National Palace - 20 tile patterns.
Left: A mosaic of plants seen during three days in Sintra, Portugal.
Center: A mosaic of architectural features in Sintra, Portugal.
Right: Tiles from the Sintra National Palace.


We went to Lisbon in 2016 and on that trip had planned a day in Sintra but never made it. The imagery of the brightly colored Pena Palace and strange cones of the Sintra National Palace intrigued us and stayed with us. So, when we wanted to escape for Thanksgiving this year, Sintra was a top choice. (We don’t celebrate in Italy, but I was afraid someone might invite us to do so. Yes, I’m that scarred by past Thanksgivings)

When studying for a possible visit to Sintra, it became obvious to us that one day would not be enough given our slower travel style. So, we dedicated 3 days (stayed 3 nights). It was perfect.

Itinerary and Tips

Here’s what we did over our three days in Sintra:

  • Day 0: arrive late afternoon, check in, walk the town a bit.
  • Day 1: Castelos dos Mouros (Castle of the Moors), Palácio da Pena (Pena Palace), late lunch.
    • We spent the day walking. Walk to Castelos dos Mouros (entered at Rampa do Castelo) , then Pena Palace, and then back to Sintra via the Vila Sassetti trail.
  • Day 2: Palácio de Monserrate (Monserrate Palace), lunch, and Quinta da Regaleira.
    • We took a Tuk Tuk to Monserrate and then bus 435 back to station. From the station, the next bus was more time than it took to walk to Quinta, so we walked.
  • Day 3: Palácio de Sintra (Sintra National Palace), lunch, depart.
    • We stayed across the street in Sintra Flower Lux apartments.

Our favorite stop was Monserrate because there were way fewer people, the house was fun to visit, and the gardens spectacular. Our least favorite was Quinta. The Sintra National Palace was a very calm and relaxing experience. Get the audio guide on your phone, it’s worth it.

At Pena Palace, your ticket is timed for entry into the castle, not the garden and areas around the castle. So, enter early if you want. Entry into the castle for your time slot could still take some time. We shuffled through a line for 20+ minutes before entering the castle and then inside, we were constrained to walk single file for the first part of the visit, and spaces are tight. It’s a pity because it takes away from the experience. Hang back in your time slot and the crowd should thin out.

We thought the Chalet of the Countess of Edla (on the Pena Palace ticket and located in the vast garden) was perhaps more intriguing than the palace, because there were less people, more time to explore on your own. Don’t miss it.

Some other tips that might help:

  • Figuring out the bus. Arggh...we were so silly.
    • Because the roads are one way, you must factor in that you may be returning to the station (where the buses start) to get to another site that seems close by. It took us a bit to figure that out. The main buses are 434 and 435 and go in loops.
    • Google maps doesn’t seem to know about these routes.
    • We downloaded the ScottUrb app but it wasn’t working and proved useless. You just wait until the bus comes. You can pay on the bus.
  • Take a Tuk Tuk to save time, at least once for the fun of it. Negotiate the price or at least don’t accept willingly the first price they might throw out.
  • You can store luggage at the very nice Loja Tradições - Artesanato e Depósito de Bagagem - across from the train station. Super nice people and easy storage.
  • Places we ate breakfast at:
    • Café Saudade was the best followed by the nearby Larmanjat. Both of these places are near the station.
    • Café Paris in the historical center is overpriced and a bit shabby though with nice location.
    • Fábrica da Nata – stopped twice here to get a pastel de nata.
  • Places we ate and liked for lunch:
  • Places we ate at and liked for dinner:
If we had stayed longer, we would have considered the following:

Plants and Patterns

Our three days in Sintra brought a rush of sights, sounds and tastes. It was in some way the perfect short get-away vacation. We wondered why.

We figured this out: first, it was the plants that we saw during our stay. To understand the plants, you must understand the climate. The climate in Sintra, Portugal in general is mild, warm and temperate, and is greatly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. On the widely used Köppen-Geiger climate classification system, Sintra is rated as “Csb”. The Csb classification is a subtype of the Mediterranean climate, characterized by dry and warm summers, and mild and rainy winters. The summers in Sintra have day temperatures ranging from 14 °C (57 °F) in January to 24 °C (75 °F) in August. The winters are cold, wet, and partly cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 48°F to 79°F.

When we arrived, it was a foggy Sunday afternoon in mid-November. Such as mysterious welcome to Sintra. (Our plane was delayed due to fog.) Then the next few days it was sunny, breezy, and pleasant.

In the Sintra climate, there are lots of plants that we love! We felt at home...like a little bit of Seattle, a little bit of California, a little bit of Italy.

A good example of the range of plants in the gardens of Monserrate Palace, which were the most pleasant that we experienced. (Here’s a tree finder for that garden.) Here are just a few of the genus names you’ll see at Monserrate and around Sintra:

Abies, Acacia, Acer, Aesculus, Albizia, Aloe, Araucaria, Arbutus, Archontophoenix, Aucuba, Beaucarnea, Brachychiton, Brahea, Brugmansia, Buddleja, Camellia, Castanea, Cedrus, Cephalotaxus, Cercis, Chamaecyparis, Cinnamomum, Cordyline, Cryptomeria, Cupressus, Cyathea, Dicksonia (tree fern), Diospyros, Dracaena, Encephalartos (cycad), Erica, Eucalyptus, Fagus, Ficus, Fraxinus, Ginkgo, Howea, Hypericum, Ilex, Jubea, Juniperus, Laurus, Livistona, Magnolia, Mahonia, Metrosideros, Monstera, Myrtus, Nerium, Olea, Osmanthus, Persea, Phoenix, Pinus, PIstacia, Pittosporum, Platanus, Podocarpus, Populus, Prunus, Pyracantha, Quercus, Rhododendron, Salix, Schinus, Sequoia, Sorbus, Strelitzia, Syzygium, Taxodium, Thuja, Tilia, Trachycarpus, Tsuga, Ulmus, Viburnum, Washingtonia, Wisteria, Yucca, Zelkova.

These plants come from all over the world and give a sub-tropical feel to Sintra. We can judge our own interest in plants by how many pictures of plants we are moved to take when visiting a place. Over our three days in Sintra, we took a lot of photos of plants because the specimens, the forms, the colors were so interesting.

The second major ah-ha moment of why this trip felt so fresh for us, were the patterns we saw. Here, we mean patterns in architecture, and we include decoration with that. Portuguese architecture is characterized by a variety of styles, such as Romanesque, Gothic, Manueline, Baroque, and Modern. Sintra is famous for its 19th-century European Romanticist architecture, historic estates and villas, gardens, and royal palaces and castles. There is a pastiche of styles from the rich, the royal, and the romantics, drawn to the area for its beauty and eager to make real their ideas of European Romantic architecture. Today, the historical center of the Vila de Sintra is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

European romantic architecture is a style of architecture that emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, inspired by the artistic and literary movements of the Romantic era. It is characterized by a variety of forms, materials, and colors, often influenced by local traditions and landscapes. Some of the features of European romantic architecture include asymmetrical shapes, curved lines, ornamental details, towers, spires, domes, arches, and Gothic elements. The influence of the Moors – who ruled over Portugal for centuries – also plays a significant part in the architecture and decoration of some of the palaces.

In the Palace of Monserrate, we saw a reference to the book “Grammar of Ornament” by Owen Jones (1809 – 1874), a British architect. The book, first published in 1856, shows ornamental designs and patterns from vastly different eras, places, and cultures, including Assyrian, Greek, Byzantine, Turkish, Chinese, Celtic, Medieval, Islamic, and Renaissance. Jones wanted to improve the taste of contemporary designers by revealing the universal design principles that lay behind all historical ornamentation. It wouldn’t be a wild guess (and if I remember we saw explicit references of this) to say that Owen’s book informed the rebuilding of Monserrate in the second half of the 18th century by its new owner, the British merchant and art collector, Francis Cook (1817 – 1901).

The romantic sensibility is also on full display at the Chalet of the Countess of Edla (in the Pena Palace Park), built between 1864 and 1869.

Less Romantic but equally fascinating is the Sintra National Palace. We include a mosaic of tile patterns we saw in the Sintra National Palace. The colors and patterns – admittedly not a huge selection – were beautiful to look at.

The two large cone structures of the Sintra National Palace are chimneys. The kitchen was the heart of the palace and at times were in full production to feed many guests. The tall chimneys stand above the rooflines to maximize airflow over the openings.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Let’s Do the Pamukkale

Pamukkale - a balloon over the travertine terracesPamukkale - walking up the travertine terracesHierapolis roman theater
Left: Pamukkale - a balloon over the travertine terraces.
Center: Pamukkale - walking up the travertine terraces.
Right: Hierapolis roman theater at Pamukkale.

Pamukkale sounds like an exotic dance, but it’s not. It’s a Unesco site in southwestern Turkey that we visited recently.

First, how do you pronounce the name? Accent is on the MUK as in Pa-MUK-kale. Second, what does it mean? It means “cotton castle” because of the white travertine terraces found there caused by deposits of calcium carbonate coming from mineral water in the hot springs. Third, you are probably wondering if it’s worth a visit. We can say yes, it is even if the hotels and eating options there are second rate (will explain below). Fourth: when people say Pamukkale, the usually mean the travertine terraces and Hierapolis, the ancient city build at the edge of the travertine terraces. In many ways, Hierapolis is much more impressive, but it takes a little work to discover that.

Visiting this strange outpost was the last thing we did on our 18 days in Turkey. For more information, see the post 18 days in Turkey – Some Observations.

In the planning stages of the trip, finding interesting lodgings in Pamukkale was harder than in other places we stayed on the trip. We are not fussy or big spenders but even for us the choices were pretty slim. Once there eating options seemed okay, not exciting. Okay, that bit of complaining aside, the place was worth visiting.

Our Pamukkale itinerary was this:
  • We stayed two nights in Pamukkale.
  • On the way to Pamukkale (day 1), we stopped at Aphrodisias – a bit out of the way – but one our best Turkey stops in terms of exploring ruins. There were few people, and the site was impressive.
  • The next day (day 2), we spent it all (about 8 hours) visiting the Pamukkale “site”, which includes the eye-catching travertine terraces and Hierapolis, up and behind the blinding white.
  • The next day (day 3), we left for Izmir airport but first stopped at the ancient city of Laodicea (just a few minutes from Pamukkale) and very much worth it too.
Here’s how we visited Pamukkale during our day there:
  • Since we were staying in Pamukkale, we walked to the town entrance/lower gate (here). We took off our shoes and started walking.
  • When we were there the pools maybe came up to our knees at most, and it wasn’t warm water.
    • But as you can see in one photo there are other dry pools. We suspect – and there was ample evidence given all the water piping – that they redirect water around so the place changes over time.
  • We walked “up” the travertine terraces. Most people don’t do this. And we did it relatively early in the day so there were few people.
  • As you climb – which isn’t that hard to do or that bad for your feet – you eventually reach a point where you will likely find a lot more people. This is where most people experience the travertine terraces. At this point there is an observation deck with benches. Many visitors only venture from here a little way downhill.
  • All visitors arriving in bus end up at this observation point – it seems.
    • They entered from either the Pamukkale south gate (here, which is more east) or the Pamukkale north gate (here, and then take a ride down).
  • After passing through a throng of people just below the observation deck, we put our shoes back on and started walking roughly north following the top of the travertine terraces and ridge of the mountain until we reached the Necropolis of Hierapolis. Pretty quickly, we were alone again. Perfect!
  • From there our path through Hierapolis was a bit like a pinball: we explored what looked interesting to us and sometimes doubled back. (See image in the post with tracks.)
  • Eventually, we ended up – downhill – at the theater and the ploutonion.
  • We grabbed a very late lunch at a concession near the museum and then went to the museum (a little disappointing).
  • We made our way to the south (again, east) gate and thought about exiting there but the walk back to town from there wasn’t that interesting along a road. We couldn’t see a trail that would work. (There is probably a bus or taxi, but we didn’t want that.)
  • So, we went back to the observation deck above the travertine terraces, took off our shoes and walked back down the terraces, enjoying them a second time.
Hike stats:
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Elevation: 264 m
  • Length: 15.6 km

Tracks through PamukkaleHierapolis - Frontius GateHierapolis - Latrine near Frontius Gate
Left: Our walking tracks through Pamukkale/Hierapolis - on our day spent exploring.
Center: Hierapolis - Frontius Gate.
Right: Hierapolis - Latrine near Frontius Gate.

Hierapolis roman theaterView back over Hierapolis from a high point with white travertine in the distanceHierapolis - trees mark where agora was
Left: Hierapolis roman theater at Pamukkale.
Center: View back over Hierapolis from a high point with white travertine in the distance.
Right: Hierapolis - trees mark where the agora was.

Pamukkale - a balloon swallowed by travertinePamukkale - a boardwalk takes you along the ridge of the terracesPamukkale - a view of the walk from the lower entrance up and idea of dry pools
Left: Pamukkale - a balloon lowers into the travertine terraces.
Center: Pamukkale - a boardwalk takes you along the ridge of the travertine terraces.
Right: Pamukkale - a view of the walk from the lower entrance up and idea of dry pools.

Pamukkale - a view showing the top observation point and the crowd of peoplePamukkale - Travertine Terraces - lots of posing near the observation deckPamukkale - walking away from the crowded spots you can find other white travertine to photograph
Left: Pamukkale - a view showing the top observation point and the crowd of people.
Center: Pamukkale - travertine terraces - lots of posing near the observation deck.
Right: Pamukkale - walking away from the crowded spots you can find other white travertine to photograph.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Pigeon and Love Valleys and Rose Valley Hikes in Cappadocia

View of Pigeon Valley Love Valley formations View of Love Valley
Left: Pigeon Valley. Center and left: Love Valley.

A rock church in Rose Valley Exploring Rose Valley Trail View from inside a church toward the valley
Rose Valley photos.


Our stay in Cappadocia was a quest to find a space of our own. Specifically, we were looking for a spot without groups of horse riders, swarms of ATVs, classic American cars with tourists (why?), or huge buses of easily excited but quickly bored tourists.

Cappadocia can be overwhelming because everyone is so excited to be there and see the natural wonders. Sites like Gôreme Open Air Museum and Zelve Open Air Museum and Monk’s Valley can seem less special because of all the people that are there. The solution we found was to go early or go later in the day to famous places. And, more importantly find something off the beaten track.

When we look back at our four days in Cappadocia, the happiest where when we found a spot with few people on it as described in these two hikes.

For context, we spent 6 days in Istanbul (see the post Postcards from Istanbul) before arriving in Cappadocia. After Cappadocia, we spent 3 days in Selçuk (Ephesus) and 2 days in Pamukkale. For an overview of our trip, see the post 18 Day in Turkey – Some Observations.

In Cappadocia, we stayed in Gôreme because we reasoned we could do the most from there on foot. And, these hikes you could do from there. We did end up renting a car to go see one of the underground cities (Kaymakli), visit Ürgüp, and go to a Whirling Dervish show at Saruhan Kervansaray.

Notes on Gôreme Open Air Museum:

  • We went early (say 9ish) and got a guide at the entrance and were able to beat most of the crowds that arrived within the hour. We thought we would see a lot here and it would take some time to explore. That wasn’t the case. First, the area and what you can explore is pretty limited (say compared to Zelve). Second, it didn’t take that much time and we had already seen several rock churches already, so we were a bit jaded. That said, don’t miss the The Buckle Church (Tokalı Kilise), which is included in the entrance ticket and is off by itself.
  • We left our car parked at Gôreme Open Air Museum and went to find Al Nazar Church (El Nazar Kilisesi) on foot. It was another entrance fee but interesting and with few people. Both this and Gôreme Open Air Museum are easily accessible by walking from Gôreme. (We had the car because we were going to go elsewhere afterward.)
  • There is much more to explore on foot around this area around Gôreme and we barely scratched the surface.

Pigeon Valley and Love Valley Hike – Starting and Stopping from Gôreme

Duration: 6 hours
Elevation: 406 m
Length: 15 km

Our first day, and we didn’t have a car (we would rent one the next day) and we wanted to walk. So, we devised this day of hiking that went from Gôreme to Uçhisar via Pigeon Valley. Then we walked from Uçhisar to Love Valley and eventually back to Gôreme. It’s a long day but rewarding. We had warm autumn temperatures. Perfect for walking.


  • In Love Valley, make sure you stop at Keles Café for refreshments. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but worth a stop.
  • In Pigeon Valley and Love Valley there are tunnels that are fun to explore. We found that the trail often went through a tunnel...sometimes pretty tight.
  • When walking through Love Valley to see the “phallic” rock formations we spotted a sign that said “To Gôreme”. We kept that in mind and backtracked ½ kilometer to pick that up and return to where we started.

Rose Valley Hike

Duration: 2.5 hr
Elevation: 194 m
Length: 7.5 km

We spent the morning at Gôreme Open Air Museum on our last day in Cappadocia. The experience dampened our spirits a bit because of the number of people there posing and blocking entrances for their perfect photo. Sour grapes right? The Rose Valley hike was a nice antidote to calm us down.

We saw a lot of different indications of how to do this but still had no idea where to start. Some of the confusion comes from going between English and Turkish. Also confusing is that Rose Valley (Güllüdere) is just north of Red Valley (Kizilçukur).

I wouldn’t say what we did was the best way, but we had fun exploring and saw just a couple of other hikers. What we did is leave the car in this parking lot. You could probably walk from Gôreme or Çavuşin (easier). From the parking lot we just started walking without a program in mind. As you can see from the tracks, we had to backtrack where we reached a point in the trail that was a little tricky to climb up (and not just us, another couple turned back too). The trail would have taken us to a church that we did eventually reach but it was all closed up. So, half the fun was exploring. It was cool following these natural tunnels until they ended and we had to find our way out or back.

We could have done much more here in Rose Valley, but we were at the end of our day and time in Cappadocia.

Pigeon and Love Valley Photos

A tunnel on one of the trails of Pigeon Valley A tunnel on one of the trails of Pigeon Valley Tunnel on the trail in Pigeon Valley Our guide dogs for the day 
Pigeon Valley and Love Valley tracks Pigeon Valley Sign at trailhead Pigeon Valley trees Pigeon Valley poplar trees

View of Pigeon Valley  View of Pigeon Valley View of Uchisar from Pigeon Valley 

 Signage showing position in valley and distance to Goreme and Uchisar In Uchisar castle and gozleme View from Uchisar castle looking north A sign pointing toward Love Valley

Love Valley apples - free for the picking At one end of Love Valley Love Valley trail - passing under arch Steps climbing out of Love Valley and heading toward Goreme Keles Cafe in Love Valley

Climbing out of Love Valley and heading toward Goreme Descending into Love Valley from Uchisar Keles Cafe at base of formations 

Love Valley formations  Love Valley formations Love Valley formations

Rose Valley Photos

A canyon opening in Rose Valley A rock church in Rose Valley Rose Valley - following a canyon

A rock church in Rose Valley A rock church in Rose Valley A rock church in Rose Valley

Exploring Rose Valley Trail Exploring Rose Valley Trail Exploring Rose Valley Trail

Rose Valley View Rose Valley View Rose Valley View

Rose Valley relative to Gôreme Rose Valley Tracks Valleys of Cappadocia Sign