Left: Flyer for the exhibition Seduzione Repulsione; Right: A statue shivers in Città Alta.
We've been in Bergamo for several weeks (on and off) and haven't seen much precipitation, let alone snow, and finally one Sunday we wake to snow. Of course, we do what's everyone else thinks to do and we hike up to Città Alta to see how the jewel of Bergamo looks in snow. The answer: pretty as always. With the flow of tourists, we amble up via Gombito, which changes to via Bartolomeo Colleoni, and find ourselves in the Piazza della Cittadella. In a tucked away corner we never noticed before, we stumble on the Sala Viscontea dell’Orto Botanico and the fascinating exhibition Seduzione Repulsione: quello che le piante non dicono ("Seduction Repulsion: What plants don't say").
The exhibition is travelling exhibition ("mostra itinerante") sponsored by the Rete degli Orti Botanici della Lombardi. The exhibition consisted of large information boards discussing various aspects related to seducing and repulsing abilities of plants. Items to touch and smell and associated research papers accompanied the boards. In other words, a place plant geeks could spend hours.

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