Ah, a trip to the market. One of us was more excited to go to DeLaurenti and one to see the Billy King mural in the Pike Place Market. (“Not Pike Market!” a friend and longtime Seattleite corrects us every time.)
The mural is about 12 feet by 15 feet on a southeastern facing cement wall. Location? You can come at it from below, climbing up from Western Avenue using the set of stairs that continue from the Pike Street Hill Climb. Or, you can go find Rachel the pig and go down the nearest stairs heading toward the water and past the bathrooms.
King says that the mural captures his memories of the market beginning in the late 1960s, in “spirit and essence”. It is bright and full of produce and people. The people, to our eyes, look quizzical and most stare at the viewer as if to ask: “Are you gonna buy some produce?” Today, it was just some good cheese at DeLaurenti, thank you.
Here is the Kickstarter site that raised funds for the mural, which was completed in 2011.
View of Market Memories as you come up from Western Avenue (left), Someone walks by (right)
A tourist(?) stares at you (left), the Market Memories Mural 1 of 1! (right)

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