Today we took the Precita Eyes Mission Trail Mural Walk Tour of the murals of the Mission District. We were surprised at the concentration of murals, street and graffiti art that we saw. It started when we parked our car. The lot we parked at (California Parking Inc @2351 Mission Street) was chock full of art. The parking lot was the site of the former El Capitan Theatre and Hotel. Here is a sampling of what is just at the parking lot: StreatArtSF.
In Seattle, there is isolation between murals and street and graffiti art. In comparison, in the Mission District, murals are side by side with street art and graffiti. The lines between the different art forms are more blurred. The Mission District was much like what we experience in London, when we went on the London Graffiti and Street Art Tour.
In the Mission District, a lot of activity centers around alleys like Lilac, Cypress, Balmy (the most famous), Lucky, Cunningham, and Clarion, to name a few that we visited. Most of the Precita Eyes tour we took was within 1-2 blocks north and south of 24th Street, from Mission St (west) to Balmy St. (east). The theme of much of the work revolves around community, democratic art, and the Hispanic experience in the Mission District. A newer theme that appeared a number of pieces is the gentrification of the neighborhood, typically be employees of high tech companies.
Below, if a title of a piece has quotes around it, then it’s just our title for the piece. Your Precita Eyes tour may be different than what we show below. We chose to organize the tour for presentation below around “stops”. And, we only discuss a fraction of what we actually saw. See the two photos (with this post) of the maps of Balmy Alley and the Mission Trail.
Selected Works from Our Precita Eyes Tour
Title – Creator (date)
Stop 1: Mission Street and 24th Street
Culture of the Crossroads – Precita Eyes (1998)

Stop 2: Lilac St and 24th St
Solidarity – The H.O.M.E.Y. Project (2007)

Stop 3: Lilac Alley - A block of fence and garage murals painted by J.M. Velazquez and local artists. Managed by the Mission Art 415 Organization. (For more images, see StreetArtSF.)
“Untitled” – Mark Bode (2007) – infamous “Bode broad” on a motorcycle. More info.
“Peace to Pengo” - Nite Owl, related exhibition “The Pursuit of Slappiness”
“Reyes Muertos Mural” (http://blog.rmklothing.com/)
“Female Warrior” – Twick, Bode, Cuba, Stan153.
“Rock It, Don’t Stop” – Unknown
Kase 2 RIP 2011 – memorial to New York based artist, Kase 2 (real name Jeff Brown), who invented the “computer rock” style of graffiti writing. More info on this memorial mural.
Stop 4: Cypress Alley (For more images, see StreetArtSF.)
Haunting – Lango
See http://www.streetartsf.com/haunting/.
“Queen Bess” – referes to Bessie Coleman, the first female piole of African American descent.
“Ganesha with Umbrellas and Toothbrushes” - Xavi Panneton
The Green Revolution – IROT. CHE. Alex Nieto reference.

Unknown mural featuring Frieda Kahlo.
Stop 5: Capp St and 24th St, Zipcar Parking
No one is illegal - Laura Campos (2010). Video explaining the mural.
Lady Xoc and the Vision Serpent – Twick (2009)
Stop 6: House of Brakes, S. Van Ness Ave and 24th St
Golden Dreams of the New World – Daniel Galvez (1984)
Stop 7: Shotwell St and 23rd
El Immigrante – Joel Bergner (2005)
Stop 8: Casesar Chavez Elementary School
The Silent Language of the Soul / El Lenguaje Mudo Del Alma – S. Cervantes and J. Alicia (1990)

Stop 9: Lucky Alley
Mind Over Matter – Unknown

Surf Vatoes – Unknown
Build Tunnels – JOE
Lucky Charms (Objetos de Buenasuerte) – Wythe & David Silverman (more photos)
Stop 10: Balmy Alley (For more images, see StreetArtSF.)
Coyolxauqui Has Something to Say - Iren Perez (1972)
Un Pasado Que Aun Vive – Joel Bergner (2004)

Rejoice – Shrine (2010)
Mission Makeover – Lucia Ippolito & Tirso Araiza (2012).
Deals with the gentrification of the Mission District.
Icons of Mexican Art – Hector Escarraman (1995)
In the Hands of a Visionary – Unknown
Victorion - El Defensor de la Mision – Simon Norris (2007)
Deals with the gentrification of the Mission District.
Tribute to Archbishop Oscar Romero – Jamie Morgan (2001)
Enrique’s Voyage – Josue Rojas (2013)

Naya Bihana (“A New Dawn”) – Martin Travers (2002)

Balmy Alley Mural Guide

Mission Trail Guide