
Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Orleans Botanical Garden

New Orleans Botanical Garden Conservatory (left) and Shady Oak (right)
New Orleans Botanical Garden Conservatory New Orleans Botanical Garden Oak

The New Orleans Botanical Garden is located in City Park, due northeast from the French Quarter. From the French Quarter we took the 48-City Park/Museum Streetcar. There is a lot to do in City Park. Too much for one day, really. We spent most of a Saturday afternoon there (last April) at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) viewing an exhibition called Hard Truths - The Art of Thornton Dial. After that, we wandered around the beautiful Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden. By the time we got to the Botanical Garden we were a bit tired and probably didn’t appreciate as much as we should have. Though, the shade of the live oaks (Quercus virginiana) was very much appreciated.

New Orleans Botanical Garden Brochure and Garden Map New Orleans Botanical Garden Brochure and Garden Map New Orleans Botanical Garden Brochure and Garden Map
New Orleans Botanical Garden Brochure and Garden Map New Orleans Botanical Garden Brochure and Garden Map

Information about Quercus virginiana (left) and Allee Leading to Conservatory (right)
Information about Quercus virginiana Allee Leading to Conservatory

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