
Monday, August 6, 2012

Balloon Ride Over Sedona

We’ve ridden with Red Rock Balloons twice now and have had a great experience both times. The first time we went up in December 2010, we went up as a single balloon (16 person basket). The second time, in July 2012, we were part of a group of three balloons, again in a 16 person basket. Our route each flight we different, dictated by the wind. Both times we launched off of a spot just west of Dry Creek Road.

Travelling with a group of balloons is interesting as you have perspective of the balloons moving up and down with respect to each other.

2010 Balloon Ride Over Sedona – Balloon Shadow on Cockscomb
Balloon Shadow on Cockscomb Balloon Shadow on Cockscomb

2010 Cockscomb (left) and Doe Mesa (right)
CockscombDoe Mesa

2010 Inflating the Balloon on the Ground (left) and Deer in Coconino Forest – View from Balloon(right)
Inflating the Balloon on the Ground Deer in Coconino Forest – View from Balloon

2010 Looking Northeast to Mount Elden (left) and Doe Mesa (right)
Looking Northeast to Mount EldenDoe Mesa
2010 Red Rock and Colorado Plateau

2012 Balloon Ride Over Sedona – Inflating (left) and Getting Ready to Get in the Basket (right)
2012 Balloon Ride Over Sedona - InflatingGetting Ready to Get in the Basket

2012 Getting the Balloon Upright (left) and The Pilot Going over Protocol (right)
2012 Getting the Balloon Upright The Pilot Going over Protocol

2012 And We’re Off – Chasing Other Balloons
2012 And We’re Off – Chasing Other Balloons2012 And We’re Off – Chasing Other Balloons

2012 The Sun Rising (left) and Casting Shadows (right)2012 The Sun Rising2012 Casting Shadows

2012 Sailing Over Highway 89A Looking Toward Jerome (right) and the Treatment Plant (left)

2012 Shadow on Dry Creek Bluff (left) and Two Deer Chasing a Coyote – Really! (right)
2012 Shadow on Dry Creek Bluff Two Deer Chase a Coyote – Really

2012 Balloon Ride Over Sedona – Rising Out of a Creek (left) and Follow Us (right)

2012 Another Balloon Lands Nearby (left) and Ground Crew Awaits for Our Landing (right)

1 comment:

  1. you see the strangest things when you ride in a balloon (deer and coyote). i happen to be ok with not seeing the strangest things.


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