
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Odontoglossum - Oncidium Intergeneric with Kähler Pieces

Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery
Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler PotteryOdontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery

One of our favorite pottery makers, Kähler, makes an appearance again in the POTS and PLANTS series. We just picked up these three pieces recently. (The large piece is fairly cracked - but still looks great.) For a quick overview of Kähler pottery see our previous post: Kähler and Colchicum. These pots could originate anywhere from the 1950s to the 1960s - we don’t know exactly. All three pieces are a combination of a sky-blue glazed section with a smooth, mat brown section. All are signed the HAK and one has a Illums Bolighus paper label. Illums Bolighus is a Danish furniture and interior design chain featuring Scandinavian designs.

The Kähler pots are featured with Odontoglossum-Oncidium Intergeneric blossoms. We picked up this orchid three years ago at Trader Joe’s as an impulse purchase. As far as orchids go, it has been an easy plant to care for, and it blooms regularly. The blooms under the right conditions have a pleasant, spicy smell. An intergeneric is a hybrid between two different genera, in this case Ondontoglossum and Oncidium. The origin of both of these generic names is based on characteristics of the lip of the flowers. From Quattrocchi: Ondontoglossum originates “[f]rom the Greek odous, odontos [tooth] and glossa ‘a tongue,’ referring to the callus on the lip.” And Oncidium from “[t]he diminuitive for the Greek onkos ‘tumor, tubercle, swelling,’ alluding to the shape of the calluses on the lip.”

Orchid Flower Spanning a Small Kahler Bowl (left) and Backs of Bowls (right)
Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery

The Orchid With Flowers on Spikes
Odontoglossum-Oncidium OrchidOdontoglossum-Oncidium Orchid

Lower Left Bowl has Dried Blossoms (left)
Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery Odontoglossum-Oncidium Flowers with Kähler Pottery

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