
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rita Pavone – La Paritita di Pallone

I had heard the name Rita Pavone before but didn’t know any of her songs. One of our teachers, every once in awhile, sings a couple of lines from a Pavone song. At home we finally looked up Pavone and then of course that led me to buy a CD, I Grandi Successi. Darn. 

First of all, most of the songs are from the 60s, so there is definitely a specific sound here. Let’s see, the first song to start with (is the one we started with): “La Partita di Pallone”. You will either find this song endearing or annoying. In the song, she is asking her boyfriend is he is really going to the game every Sunday or seeing someone else? For me, the song is memorable for the way she uses the words “perché” (why) and “chissà” (who knows) in the song. (Partial translation in comments):

Perché, perché
la domenica mi lasci sempre sola
per andare a vedere la partita
di pallone

Perché, Perché
una volta non ci porti pure me
Chissà, chissà se davvero vai a vedere la tua squadra
o se invece tu mi lasci con la scusa
del pallone

Chissà, Chissà
se mi dici una bugia o la verità
Ma un giorno ti seguirò
perché ho dei dubbi
che non mi fan dormir.
E se scoprir io potrò
che mi vuoi imbrogliar
da mamma ritornerò.

Perché, perché
la domenica mi lasci sempre sola
per andare a vedere la partita
di pallone

Perché, Perché
Una volta non ci porti anche me

1 comment:

  1. Why, why
    Every Sunday you always leave me alone
    to to go see the
    football match.
    Why, why
    not even once you take me?
    Who knows, who knows
    if it is true that you go to see your team
    or if instead you leave me with the excuse
    of the football.
    Who know, who knows
    if you are telling me a lie or the truth.
    But one day I will follow you
    because I have some doubts
    that don’t let me sleep.
    And if I can discover
    that you want me to cheat me
    your? mamma, I will come back


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