
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Museo Davanzati

Palazzo Davanzati – Great Hall
Palazzo Davanzati – Great Hall
There was a glitch in the Duomo’s ticketing system this morning so our climb to the cupola was postponed a bit. To kill some time we headed over to the Museo Davanzati (Via di Porta Rossa 13 – near Piazza della Repubblica) for a quick visit – it’s free. It is known as the museum of the traditional Florentine house. When you enter on the ground floor, go up a set of stairs and the museum is the first floor. It takes about 30 minutes for a quick look-see. In December they are going to open the second floor as well.

From the outside the building when you look up, you notice the top floor loggia. Many of the loggias these days have been filled in to create more living space (apartments) – what a shame because it is a neat concept.

First Floor Looking Down Into Courtyard (left) and Looking Up From Courtyard (right)

Sala dei Pappagalli (Room of the Parrots)
Sala dei Pappagalli (Room of the Parrots)Sala dei Pappagalli (Room of the Parrots)

Sala dei Pavoni – Bedroom
Sala dei Pavoni – Bedroom

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