
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Onda Su Onda

Paolo Conte - Wonderful - Album Cover

I’m not super crazy about this Paolo Conte album called “Wonderful” – not sure why. Maybe I need to listen a little bit more. The one song I really do like though is “Onda Su Onda” (wave after wave). 

Our teacher at our language school in Florence knows I like music so she’s always suggesting new songs and this is one she recommended. In the song, a guy falls overboard from a ship but his girlfriend doesn’t seem to notice as she is dancing in the arms of another. But luckily, the guy ends up on a tropical island and doesn’t mind his fate. 

Here are the lyrics (I’ll post the translation in a comment): 

Che notte buia che c'è
povero me, povero me
Che acqua gelida qua
nessuno più mi salverà 
Son caduto dalla nave 
Son caduto mentre a bordo c'era il ballo... 

Onda su onda 
Il mare mi porterà
alla deriva, 
in balia di una sorte bizzarra e cattiva
Onda su onda 
mi sto allontanando ormai
La nave è una lucciola persa nel blu, 
mai più mi salverò 

Sara, ti sei accorta? 
Stai già danzando insieme a lui
con gli occhi chiusi ti stringi a lui 
Sara, ma non importa 

Stupenda l'isola è 
Il clima è dolce intorno a me 
Ci sono palme e bambù, 
è un luogo pieno di virtù 
Steso al sole ad asciugarmi il corpo e il viso 
guardo in faccia il paradiso 

Onda su onda 
Il mar mi ha portato qui: 
ritmi, canzoni, 
donne di sogno, banane, lamponi 
Onda su onda, 
mi sono ambientato ormai... 
il naufragio mi ha dato la felicità che tu 
non mi sai dar... 

Sara, ti sei accorta? 
Tu stai danzando insieme a lui 
con gli occhi chiusi ti stringi a lui 
Sara, ma non importa 

Onda su onda...


  1. My "attempt" at a translation:

    What a dark night it was,
    poor me, poor me
    that the water is freezing here,
    no one will save me
    I fell overboard on the boat
    I fell while there was a dance

    Wave after wave
    the sea will carry me
    at the mercy of a bizarre and bad
    wave after wave
    that are putting me away now from
    the ship a glow-worm lost in the blue
    never at all will I be saved

    Sara, did you notice?
    You were already dancing together with him.
    With closed eyes, holding him
    Sara, but it’s not important

    Wonderful island,
    the weather is sweet around me
    there are palms and bamboo
    a place full of virtue
    lying down the sun dries my body and face
    I look into the face of paradise

    Wave after wave
    the sea has taken me here
    rhythm, songs
    women from dreams, bananas, raspberries
    wave after wave
    I’m in a (movie) set now
    the shipwreck has given me the happiness
    that you didn’t know to give

    Sara, did you notice,
    You were dancing together with him.
    With closed eyes, holding him
    Sara, but it’s not important

    Wave after wave

  2. wow, the Italians really know drama.


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