
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Rained Out Monte Filaressa and Corna Bianca Hike

Overview | Notes | Flora | Trail Photos

A View of Canto Basso after the rain.Annotated hike tracks from Bergamo to Monte di NeseTrail 533B with Anemone nemorosa.Christmas rose with drops of water.
Top left: A View of Canto Basso after the rain.
Top right: Annotated hike tracks from Bergamo to Monte di Nese.
Bottom left: Trail 533B with Anemone nemorosa.
Bottom right: Christmas rose with drops of water.


Length: 26 km (16.1 mi)
Duration: 8.5 hours (lots of stops)
Elevation: (1347 m) 4418 ft
Location: Italy, Lombardy, Parco dei Colli, Alzano Lombardo


We tried to reach Monte Filaressa from Bergamo today and just shy of 20 minutes from the summit, a storm rolled in and we ran for the cover. It's not the destination but the journey, right? We'll be back!

We've passed by or through Monte di Nese many times, including on these hikes:

Yet, in all these times, we passed under Monte Filaressa (1134 m), which sits just northeast of Monte di Nese. Today was to be our day to pass up over Monte Filaressa and continue on to Corna Bianca (1228 m) – not that we are peak baggers or anything, but we were just looking for something different. However, today wasn't going to be the day to do that.

In an exposed saddle, just below Monte Filaressa, and on the border between Valle Brembana and Valle Seriana, a storm blew in quickly. Feeling vulnerable to hail, rain, wind and lightening, we beat a path to a lower location to wait out the storm under the eaves of a stone structure. (A structure without ample eaves is like an ill-fitting hat.)

We wait for about ½ hour and then decided to head home instead of continuing on. As we approached the trails around Canto Basso the white bark of birch, carpets of anemone laden with dewdrops, and the sounds of far-off thunder created an magical atmosphere that was worth getting completely soaked over. And, on the way back to Bergamo, we discovered some new trails around Ca' Matta near Maresana. So on the whole, not a bad day.


Many of the resources we use for plant indentification are listed in our post Resources for Identifying Plants around Bergamo. We especially rely on the Checklist flora (for the Lombardy region) to see if the altitude we spotted the plant and the season of bloom are correct. Then, we double check in the half dozen guide books we have. In particular, the Gruppo Flora Alpina Bergamasca have a series of really useful books.

We give identifications in this form:

[Family] Genus species – Common name in English {Common name in Italian}

We are adamant about being familiar with families of plants as a base. Once you can start telling families by sight, then identification gets much easier. We were inspired back in 2012 by the book Botany in a Day: The Patterns Method of Plant Identification (1996) by Thomas J Elpel. In this book, Elpel teaches you how to use the patterns method of plant identification to identify families of plants.

For families, we estimate that we are > 99% accurate with identification. For genera and species, 95% and 90%, respectively.

[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana – Wayfaring tree {Viburno lantana}
[Boraginaceae] Pulmonaria australis - Lungwort {Polmonaria sudalpina}
[Lamiaceae] Clinopodium sp. likely C. methifolium – Wood calamint {Mentuccia maggiore}
[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm {Erba limona}
[Lauraceae] Lauris nobilis – Sweet Bay {Alloro}
[Liliaceae] Erythroninum dens-canis – Dog's-tooth-violet or Dogtooth violet {Dente di cane}
[Plantaginaceae] Globularlia nudicaulis – Leafless stemmed Globularia {Vedovelle alpine}
[Primulaceae] Primula veris – Cowslip primrose {Primula odorosa}
[Primulaceae] Primula vulgaris – Primrose {Primula comune}
[Ranunculaceae] Anemonoides nemorosa – Wood anemone {Anemone dei boschi}
[Ranunculaceae] Helleborus niger – Christmas rose {Rosa di Natale}
[Ranunculaceae] Anenome hepatica – Liverwort {Epatica erba trinità}
[Rosaceae] Crataegus monogyna - Whitethorn {Biancospino comune}
[Thymelaeaceae] Daphne cneorum – Garland flower {Dafne odorosa}

[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana – Wayfaring tree[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana – Wayfaring tree
[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana – Wayfaring tree

[Boraginaceae] Pulmonaria australis - Lungwort[Boraginaceae] Pulmonaria australis - Lungwort
[Boraginaceae] Pulmonaria australis - Lungwort

[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm
[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm

[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm
[Lamiaceae] Melittis melissophyllum – Bastard balm

[Primulaceae] Primula veris – Cowslip primrose
[Primulaceae] Primula veris – Cowslip primrose

[Thymelaeaceae] Daphne cneorum – Garland flower[Thymelaeaceae] Daphne cneorum – Garland flower
[Thymelaeaceae] Daphne cneorum – Garland flower

[Primulaceae] Primula vulgaris – Primrose[Ranunculaceae] Anenome hepatica – Liverwort
Left: [Primulaceae] Primula vulgaris – Primrose
Right: [Ranunculaceae] Anenome hepatica – Liverwort

Erythroninum dens-canis – Dog's-tooth-violet or Dogtooth violetErythroninum dens-canis – Dog's-tooth-violet or Dogtooth violet
[Liliaceae] Erythroninum dens-canis – Dog's-tooth-violet or Dogtooth violet

[Ranunculaceae] Anemonoides nemorosa – Wood anemone[Plantaginaceae] Globularlia nudicaulis – Leafless stemmed Globularia[Lamiaceae] Clinopodium sp. likely C. methifolium – Wood calamint
Left: [Ranunculaceae] Anemonoides nemorosa – Wood anemone
Center: [Plantaginaceae] Globularlia nudicaulis – Leafless stemmed Globularia
Left: [Lamiaceae] Clinopodium sp. likely C. methifolium – Wood calamint

Trail Photos

Hike tracks from Bergamo to Monte di Nese.Above Ca' Matta - Maresana.
Left: Hike tracks from Bergamo to Monte di Nese.
Right: Above Ca' Matta - Maresana.

Canto Basso with Canto Alto in the distance.Canto Basso on trail 533 heading to Monte di Nese.Above Monte di Nese.
Left: Canto Basso with Canto Alto in the distance.
Center: Canto Basso on trail 533 heading to Monte di Nese.
Right: Above Monte di Nese.

Croce dei morti, Maresana.The trail above Via alla Zarda.The trail leading to Via Col di Lana.
Left: Croce dei morti, Maresana.
Center: The trail above Via alla Zarda.
Right: The trail leading to Via Col di Lana.

A view of Olera.The flanks of Monte Filaressa with white birch.Our shelter during the storm, the eaves that is. Thank you for the ample overhang!
Left: A view of Olera.
Center: The flanks of Monte Filaressa with white birch.
Right: Our shelter during the storm, the eaves that is. Thank you for the ample overhang!

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