
Sunday, January 3, 2010

The 2010 Lunchbox

The phrase we’d like to kick off 2010 with is this: don’t poop in someone’s lunchbox. This was a phrase that came up over and over New Year’s Eve night with some friends as we joked around. The next day we kept saying it and realized that it is a pretty good guiding principle. If you are about to dump on someone’s ideas, manner of being, or general happiness, think twice before you do it. Please, don’t poop in another’s lunchbox.


  1. Now that's just CRAP. What a crappy idea! It's the dumbest thing anyone ever suggested.

    LOL. ;)
    Loki & Juno

  2. When I get my hands on your two rascally quadrupeds - they are gonna pay!


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