
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Goodbye Peppermint Stick

I suppose we should be saying goodbye to 2009 and the decade, but we have nothing interesting at this time to say about that. However, we will take this opportunity to mention a subject near and dear to us: chocolate. By far, the best chocolate we’ve had this holiday season has been the Theo Chocolate Peppermint Stick 70% chocolate bar. Who could resist them? A perfect blend of dark chocolate and peppermint, not cloying or overpowering as sometimes peppermint-infused chocolate can be. From what I understand, this chocolate bar was made for Bartell Drug. We could rely on getting them at Theo’s showroom in November and most of December but when they ran out just before Christmas, frantic calls to Bartell began. We were able to secure a small stash to last us for a few weeks. When the last of our peppermint stick bars run out, it’s back to the Jane Goodall 70% bar, which is fantastic anyways – so that’s not so bad.


  1. what?? an all i got was a costco gift card? you know they don't sell Theo there, right? i didnt' see this one at the places they do sell Theo... damn! my fav combo is dark choc and mint, or dark choco and almonds or dark choco and rasberry... you don't know me very well, do you??? ;)

  2. Oops. I blew it. Still have 2. Let's see if I can save them so when we come down I can give you one.


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