
Monday, August 10, 2009

California Academy of Sciences

California Academy of Sciences - Amazon Flooded Forest
So we only had one hour, but at least we got to see it: the California Academy of Sciences. We had just enough time to take in the Rainforests of the World exhibit and the Living Roof exhibit. The dome that houses the rainforest is interesting but surprising bare of plants. I was expecting more of a greenhouse feel with abundant foliage and that wasn’t the case. The exhibits and information provided were great, just that I sensed more concrete and glass than foliage. The last part of the rainforest is the Amazonian flooded forest and that was interesting.

The Living Roof was the highlight for us. It’s still pretty new, just about one year old this month but it looked great. It makes you ask why more buildings aren’t doing this. Yeah, I’m sure cost is a huge driver…but aesthetics should trump that, right? There are docents up on the Living Roof to explain how the roof is put together so make sure to ask them lots of questions.
California Academy of Sciences - Living Roof

1 comment:

  1. For your readers out there: TRUST hour is way more than you need to see this stuff. I could have shown you the living roof in my back yard. it's like, um, hello, weeds. and the rainforest, was like, um, household plants, with some butterflies flying around. ok, so the anaconda was kinda cool and the catfish vaccuming the aquarium, were cool. but that's it. those damn photographers needed to be slapped tho.

    yes, make sure to ask the docents questions so they can answer them with responses that 1. make no sense and 2. have no clue on the reality of the situation of having a living roof... "these ground covers will never get tall..." um hello? can you please send your docent to my house and give her a wake up call?


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