
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Today we visited the Palazzo Medici Riccardi for a few hours and enjoyed it. There is a little of everything to see there: ornately decorated rooms, Michelozzo’s courtyard, the garden, the Chapel of the Magi, and whatever temporary exhibits are there. The temporary exhibit we saw was on metalwork restoration and it was interesting. It ends in early January 2008.

However, the most interesting thing we saw was something called “Lorenzo’s Workshop” and in it was an interactive multimedia presentention and exploration of the frescoes in the Chapel of the Magi. In the exhibit, you stand on a spot in the floor in front of a large screen and navigate and explore the frescoes by pointing at the screen. It was truly a good use of technology in a museum. Would love to navigate my music collection that way.

The Chapel of the Magi is a small chapel inside the palazzo that contains an altar painting by Filippo Lippi and wall frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli.     

Courtyard and Garden


Lorenzo’s Workshop

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