
Monday, December 31, 2007

Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia “La Specola”

Sala (Room) 2 (left) and 3 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 4 (left) and 5 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

The Zoologia ‘La Specola’ museum is part of the University of Florence. (The buzz of flourescent lights, the eerie stillness, that certain academic smell, yep, we're in a University building.) It costs 4 Euros per person to get in. We only had an hour and we made in through rooms 1-15 only. There are 33 rooms total so I guess we get to go back. The image above is from room 8, carnivores and large herbivores. There was next to no signage in English so bring a dictionary or just be content to look. Luckily most of the common animals will be familiar. We both liked this museum because there is a lot to see. Here is an interactive floor plan were you can click to see what is in each room.

There is a part of the museum dedicated to anatomical waxes (rooms 25 – 32) that is supposed to be fantastic (if you are into that sort of thing). We never saw it, so again, a trip back.

The ticket lady and the person responsible for closing the museum was clearly irritated with us slow pokes. We were in room 12 (cervi e lama) and she came through and barked at us that there was just 15 minutes left. Then in room 15 (monkeys) she shut the lights off on us for a moment – pitch black and all the little eyes came alive in the display cases - then she turned the lights back on and glanced down the hall at us. Okay, okay we’re moving. Jeez.  (All images courtesy of the museum web site.)

Sala (Room) 8 (left) and 9 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 10 (left) and 12 (right)

Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 13 (left) and 14 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 15 (left) and 16 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 17 (left) and 19 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 20 (left) and 21 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 22 (left) and 23 (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La SpecolaMuseo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

Sala (Room) 24 (left) and Museum Plan (right)
Museo di Storia Naturale Zoologia - La Specola

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