
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Santa Croce Christmas Market

Time for Christmas shopping, it’s December 1st. This is way too early for my taste, but we have to factor in shipping. We first hit Gastronomia G. Tassini (Borgo SS. Apostoli, 24/r), then Enoteca Alessi (Via delle Oche, 27-29/r), and then the German Christmas market in Santa Croce. I guess there are Christmas markets popping up all around Florence, kind of like a seasonal infection. Anyway, we ate some German snacks and then I called it a shopping day. Mark carried on for several hours more. What stamina. (I like Christmas shopping like I like root canals, so that fact that I lasted that long is amazing.)

If you want lots of little sweet things, I think Enoteca Alessi is the best option that I’ve seen so far. There is Enoteca attached and large wine cellar, but the main floor is sweets and liquor. We were sampling whiskey and chocolate while we were there which seemed wrong so early in the day. From what I saw from the booty Mark hauled back from the Christmas market there are all sorts of cute things for the snatching - if you are so inclined to like that sort of stuff. Bah, humbug.

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