
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Bergamo Wall Plant - Antirrhinum majus - Common Snapdragon

Snapdragons grow on a wall along Via San Vigilio, in Bergamo.White snapdragons are less common.
Left: Snapdragons grow on a wall along Via San Vigilio, in Bergamo. Right: White snapdragons are less common.

It’s been a while since we lifted our heads and looked at the walls around us. The walls being the Bergamo city walls. It’s not like we exhausted all the possibilities of plants that grow on Bergamo walls. Rather, we’ve changed houses and then had a stream of visitors to see the new house and Bergamo. In other words, no time and that's a pity.

The other day while guiding visitors through standard Travelmarx Deluxe Tour (TM) - a walk up to San Vigilio and lunch at Ristorante Pizzeria San Vigilio - we noticed the walls were alive with snapdragons.

1) Antirrhinum majus or common snapdragon easily lives on the walls of Bergamo. The plants shown in the photos here are from San Vigilio, near the Belvedere. We typically see this pink/fuchsia color but there is also white.

2) The Ristorante Pizzeria San Vigilio never disappoints with guests. We prefer that over the nearby Baretto.

Snapdragons in Bergamo grow readily in the cracks of walls.Snapdragons in Bergamo grow readily in the cracks of walls.Snapdragons in Bergamo grow readily in the cracks of walls.
Snapdragons in Bergamo grow readily in the cracks of walls.

Snapdragons grow on a wall along Via San Vigilio in Bergamo, Italy
Snapdragons grow on a wall along Via San Vigilio in Bergamo, Italy

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