
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Roundtrip Bergamo to Selvino on Foot, Cable Car, Bus, and Tram

View from trail 533 north toward Poscante over the Bergmasque Alps.Heading north toward Selvino; on trail 533 above Castello.
Left: View from trail 533 north toward Poscante and beyond to the Bergmasque Alps.
Right: Heading north toward Selvino; on trail 533 above Castello.


Length: 20 km (12.4 mi) - Trail 533 is 14 km long. It was 3 km from Bergamo (Fontana del Delfino) to the start of trail and another 3 km from the end of trail in Selvino to the funivia (cable car).

Duration: 7 hours total, with 1 hour lunch break at Agriturismo Merelli Gilberto (Salmezza)

Elevation: Max elevation at 1050 m (3,445 ft) above Salmezza. Starting elevation 265 m (869 ft) Piazzetta Delfino.

Location: Italy, Lombardy, Bergamo, Parco dei Colli di Bergamo

The hike route from Bergamo to Selvino.The last bit of trail before reaching the meadows of Salmezza.
Left: The hike route from Bergamo to Selvino.  Right: The last bit of trail before reaching the meadows of Salmezza.


Trail 533 is the closest major hiking trail to Bergamo and makes for an easy if not logical starting point for getting into the mountains quickly. This is especially true when you want to hike under just the power of our own feet and public transportation. 533 starts inauspiciously between two estates in the Quintino Alto neighborhood, a stone’s throw from the Atalanta stadium. The trail starts ascending quickly over limestone outcrops, positioned at angles due to a long ago upheaval.

As you climb, the trail splits and recombines. You pass bird blinds that have seen better days and hint at the once important role of migratory birds for food. In the nearby hills roccoli – big living bird traps – dominate strategic positions on ridges.

Before you reach your first major way point on the trail, Maresana, you’ll have schooling in the local flora. At eye level and above you will find Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum lantana), European Smoketree (Sommacco selvatico), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas), European hop-hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia), Common hazel (Corylus avellana), and Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Casting your gaze down, you’ll see Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus aculeatus), Liverwort (Anemone hepatica), Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger), Stinking Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus), Green Hellebore (Helleborus viridis), Cyclamen (Cyclamen purpurascens), Vinca (Vinca minor), and Keeled Garlic (Allium carnatum) just to name a few.

Trail sign along 533.A cow in Salmezza.A hedgerow approaching SalmezzaView north above Monte di Nese.
Left: Sign along trail 533. Center left: A cow in Salmezza. Center right: A hedgerow approaching Salmezza. Right: View north above Monte di Nese.

Our hiking history around Bergamo is intimately tied to Trail 533 as many of our hikes use this trail, for example:

Today’s hike is very much like our 2017 hike from Maresana to Selvino except that we started from Bergamo city center and returned by public transportation (cable car, bus, and tram). You could easily reverse our path today and go from Bergamo to Selvino on public transportation and walk back to Bergamo.

The cableway Albino – Selvino connects Albino in the valley with its mountain sister Selvino. There is a 2000 ft (640 m) difference between the two towns. This being Italy, there is a path to walk between the two as well.

The cable car is owned by the bus company that operates in the area, which means there is good coordination between cable car and bus times. For example, if you come down from Selvino to Albino, there will be a bus waiting to take you to the Albino main bus station. At the Albino station you can pick up the Tramvie Elettriche Bergamasche (TEB) and ride the dozen stops back to Bergamo. Heading down the Lower Val Seriana you can review you hike out the window of the tram. The hills you just walked over are visible over the abandoned industrial architecture that once made the valley an industrial powerhouse.

Lunch dish at Merelli Gilberto - gnoccheti alle orticheLunch dish at Merelli Gilberto - tagliolini ai fungiLunch dish at Merelli Gilberto - Mixed meats with potatoes and polenta taragna.
Lunch choices at Merelli Gilberto (Salmezza). Left: gnocchetti alle ortiche (nettle gnocchi). Center: Tagliolini ai funghi. Right: Mixed meats with potatoes and polenta taragna.


The standout plant of today’s hike is the [Liliaceae] Allium carinatum commonly called keeled garlic or witch’s garlic, native to the Mediterranean Region from Spain to Turkey. It pokes up most unexpectedly in the dry days at the end of summer. Pinch a small piece off, crush and enjoy a garlic moment during your hike.

[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana - Wayfaring Tree (Viburno lantana)
[Adoxaceae] Viburnum lantana - Wayfaring Tree (Viburno lantana)

[Asparagaceae] Polygonatum odaratum - Angular Solomon's Seal (Sigillo di Salomone comune) - based on single berry.
[Asparagaceae] Polygonatum odaratum - Angular Solomon's Seal (Sigillo di Salomone comune)

[Asteraceae] Cichorium inthybus - Chicory, Cornflower (Cicoria selvatica)
[Asteraceae] Cichorium inthybus - Chicory, Cornflower (Cicoria selvatica)

[Asteraceae] Eupatorium cannabinum - Holy Rope, Hemp Agrimony (Canapa acquatica)
[Asteraceae] Eupatorium cannabinum - Holy Rope, Hemp Agrimony (Canapa acquatica)[Asteraceae] Eupatorium cannabinum - Holy Rope, Hemp Agrimony (Canapa acquatica)

[Balsaminaceae] Impatiens balfourii - Kashmir Balsam (Balsamina di Balfour)
[Balsaminaceae] Impatiens balfourii - Kashmir Balsam (Balsamina di Balfour)

[Betulaceae] Betula pendula - Silver Birch (Betulla bianca)
[Betulaceae] Betula pendula - Silver Birch (Betulla bianca)

[Campanulaceae] Campanula trachelium - Canterbury Bells (Campanula selvatica)
[Campanulaceae] Campanula trachelium - Canterbury Bells (Campanula selvatica)

[Caprifoliaceae] Lomelosia graminifolia - Scabious (Vedovina strisciante)
[Caprifoliaceae] Lomelosia graminifolia - Scabious (Vedovina strisciante)

[Caryophyllaceae] Dianthus seguieri - Sequier's Pink (Garafano di Seguier)
[Caryophyllaceae] Dianthus seguieri - Sequier's Pink (Garafano di Seguier)

[Caryophyllaceae] Saponaria officinalis – Bouncingbet, Common Soapwort (Saponaria comune)
[Caryophyllaceae] Saponaria officinalis – Bouncingbet, Common Soapwort (Saponaria comune)

[Colchicaceae] Crocus autumnale - Naked Lady (Colchico d'autunno)
[Colchicaceae] Crocus autumnale - Naked Lady (Colchico d'autunno)

[Lamiaceae] Salvia glutinosa - Sticky Sage (Salvia vischiosa)
[Lamiaceae] Salvia glutinosa - Sticky Sage (Salvia vischiosa)

[Liliaceae] Allium carinatum - Keeled Garlic (Aglio carenato)
[Liliaceae] Allium carinatum - Keeled Garlic (Aglio carenato)

[Primulaceae] Cyclamen purpurascens - Cyclamen (Ciclamino delle Alpi)
[Primulaceae] Cyclamen purpurascens - Cyclamen (Ciclamino delle Alpi)

[Ranuculaceae] Hepatica nobilis - Liverwort (Epatica erba trinità)
[Ranuculaceae] Hepatica nobilis - Liverwort (Epatica erba trinità)

[Rosaceae] Prunus spinosa – Blackthorn, Sloe (Prunus selvatico)
[Rosaceae] Prunus spinosa – Blackthorn, Sloe (Prunus selvatico)

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