
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bergamo – Coronavirus – Street Sign Language Lesson XXX

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In this post of the Street Sign Language Lesson series, we are a few days into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. The "red zones" were a few isolated communities in Lombardia, then all of Lombardia and other provinces, and now all of Italy. We mostly stay inside - as instructed - and keep ourselves busy, reaching out to friends virtually. When we venture outside, it's to get food or exercise, maintaining a distance between us and others.

Here are a few signs we've seen in the lead up to and after the lockdown. There are a few new vocabulary words and phrases to be sure:  avviso, disposizione, ottemperanza, asembramento, decreto, patologia, and inibito. Read on to find out what these are.

A2A Energia - Bergamo

Seduta inibita. In ottemperanza alle disposizione del decreto legge del 02.03.2020 - per consentire la distanza minima di 1 metro tra le persone.
"Seat blocked. In compliance with the legislative decree of 02.03.2020 - to allow the minimum distance between people."

An inhibited seat? No, a blocked seat. This sign was seen in the a2a offices before the total lockdown went into effect. The seats are blocked off in such a way to maintain distance between people. This day, no one was fighting down to sit. In fact, we were the only ones there.

A sign in Bergamo offering help for those at home

Avviso: per tutte le persone con più di 70 anni o con patologie.
"Notice: For all people over 70 or with illnesses"

This sign offering help to those who wanted to remain at home. Help to get groceries (fare la spesa) or do small errands (comissioni). patologia here is used to mean an illness. We have the English word pathology, which is used to mean the study of the causes or effects of a disease, illness or injury.

This church is for praying only - no tourists.

Avviso: La Basilica resterà aperta tutti i giorni dalle 9 alle 15 solo per la preghiera personale. Sono vietate le visite turistiche.
"Notice: The basilica will remain open every day from 9 to 3 for private prayer only. Tourism forbidden."

This warning was issued before Italy went into total lockdown. Now this church is closed completely.

Due to coronavirus the funiculars are not running today

Emergenza coronoavirus: Il servizio delle Funicolari di Città è sospeso fino a nuove disposizioni.
"Cornavirus emergency: Funicular service is suspended until further notice."

It's funicolari, plural, because there are two funicular railways in Bergamo - just a little insider tip for you dear reader. The rest of the notice (see photo) says that you can take the number 1 bus and while that is true, just walk! To get the the upper city, walking is not that hard.

The natural science museum is closed

Avviso: In ottemperanza alle disposizioni contenute nel decreto ministeriale dell'9 marzo 2020 relativo alle misure di contenimento di COVID 19, questo museo rimarrà chiuso fino a prossime disposizioni.
"Notice: In compliance with the provisions contained in the ministerial decree of March 9, 2020 relating to the containment of COVID 19, this museum will remain closed until further notice."

This notice was for the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali E. Caffi di Bergamo in Bergamo Alta, in Piazza della Cittadella. This really is a wonderful museum. You are greeted by a huge woolly mammoth and her baby that was dug up in a nearby valley.

Table service only

Il servizio al banco è sospeso, solo servizio ai tavoli.
"Bar service is suspended, only table service."

Again, this sign was photographed before the drastic measures went into effect and it was enough to keep your distance.

Waiting for victory over coronavirus

Chiuso...fino alla vittoria sul Corona V.
"Closed until victory over the coronavirus.

"In Italian, virus is masculine in gender, and so is coronavirus the compound word.

Don't create groups outside this bar

Si prega di non creare assembramenti fuori dal locale.
"Kindly do not create groups outside the bar."

An assembramento is a group of people but with the sense of a "thick" or "throng".

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