
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Walking from Bergamo's Orio al Serio Airport to Bergamo Center

Left: One possible walking route from Bergamo's Orio al Serio Airport to Bergamo's train station. Center: Street art seen along the way. Right: Sign for municipality (comune) of Orio al Serio at the edge of the airport. Underneath is the name of the municipality in the Bergamasco dialect: Öre al Sère.
One possible walking route from Bergamo's Orio al Serio Airport to Bergamo's train station.Street art seen along the way.Sign for municipality (comune) of Orio al Serio at the edge of the airport. Underneath is the name of the municipality in the Bergamasco dialect: Öre al Sère).

Length: ~ 4 km
Duration: 45 minutes
Elevation: negligible
Location: Italy, Lombardia, Bergamo

I know, like who really needs to walk from Bergamo’s Orio Serio Airport to Bergamo Center, especially when you can take a bus for a few euros? Well maybe you just landed, you packed really lightly, and you need to get your steps in for the day?  (For us, that’s at least 10,000 steps or we can’t go to bed.) Okay, that scenario is a bit of a stretch.

We pick up and drop off rental cars at the airport; there is no other place in Bergamo that we’ve found. That means we take the number 1 bus to or from the airport. The trip by bus is about 15-20 minutes. Today, we dropped off a rental car and the bus for Bergamo wasn’t due to arrive for another 15 minutes, so we decided to walk. It’s not far (45 minutes, 4 km) and it’s not a hard walk (flat), but I wouldn’t say it’s pretty.

Bergamo center here means the train station. To get to Città Alta from the train station, add another 1 km or so. The route we took from the airport went by a huge garden supplier (florovivaistica), which is as botanical I can get in this post, an underpass with graffiti, and a small herd of fenced-in deer. Interesting, but we probably should stick to the hills around Bergamo and take the bus next time.

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