
Monday, August 31, 2015

Sunday at the Playground with Henry

We stumbled across these Henry ( murals at the John Stanford School International School. It's one of the places we pass by a lot but never stop to look, let alone wander around the playground, which we did and saw these murals. I like the blue heron, in particular.

Nearby, under the campus parkway (last visited over 3 years ago - see Northeast Campus Parkway Murals), time and tags have taken their toll on what used to be interesting murals. Here a reflection of the wall under the underpass.

Northeast Campus Parkway
Northeast Campus Parkway Underpass - ReflectionNortheast Campus Parkway Underpass - Reflection
Left: Henry: Penguins – Between the Sydney Opera House and the Seattle Space Needle; Right: Henry: Two Birds
Henry: Penguins – Between the Sydney Opera House and the Seattle Space NeedleHenry: Two Birds
Left: Henry Mischievous Hen and Water Balloon; Center: Henry Blue Heron; Right: Henry Aviary from Peking to Pisa?
Henry Mischievous Hen and Water BalloonHenry Blue HeronHenry Aviary
Henry - For the Birds – Under the Watchful Eye of the MountainHenry - For the Birds – Under the Watchful Eye of the Mountain

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