
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Madrid – Street Art and Graffiti Doors

Left: Figure and scooter. Right: Facebook is watching you.
Figure and scooterFacebook is watching you

Madrid was the last stop in our Anadusian tour (the itinerary). We spent 6 days in this wonderful city. The days were cool but sunny and we walked to everything we wanted to see. Along the way, we were always on the lookout for street art and graffiti.

The shops in Madrid, like many we’ve seen in Italy, usually have a protective metal cover (like a mini-garage door) that shopkeepers pull down over window and doors. (I confess don’t understood this aspect of European cities. I guess it’s for safety, but all I know is that it can be eerie when all shops on a street are shut tight like this.)

The metal covers usually have a horizontal, corrugated pattern. At least in central Madrid, these doors are the blank canvas for graffiti artists. Some businesses commission artwork for their doors, to control the imagery on their doors I would guess – a smart move. In this post, we show doors with graffiti – likely not commissioned by the specific business in question. Shown here are 121 photos of doors with graffiti or street art that we photographed in Madrid over 6 days. The 121 images are condensed into a mosaic of images (four different versions). The mosaic images were created by Picasa.  Also, we show a mosaic collage of street art we saw.

We stayed in the Chueca district where many of the photos were taken.

Four Variations of 121 Graffiti Doors in Central Madrid
Graffiti Doors in Central MadridGraffiti Doors in Central MadridGraffiti Doors in Central MadridGraffiti Doors in Central Madrid

Left: Pins on Map Showing Where We Walked In Madrid; Right: Street Art Sample in Madrid
Pins on Map Showing Where We Walked In MadridStreet Art Sample in Madrid

Some favorites that we saw.

Left: Just divorced!  Right: Gathering in an empty lot.
Just divorcedGathering in an empty lot

Left: Panda door.  Right: Little serpent, a common graffiti icon.
Panda doorLittle serpent, a common graffiti icon

Vent Animals
Vent animalsVent animals

Left: Love Thy Cow.  Right: Madrid Jerez - Prancing Horse
Love Thy CowMadrid Jerez - Prancing Horse

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post. All graffiti arts are so nice and lovely to watch. I am a graffiti lover and I always in search for a museum where I can see number of such arts and images.


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