
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Slave to the Needle Mural – Cabron Mural

This 2014 mural is by Alex “Cabron” Forster and is located on the west wall of the Slave to the Needle in Wallingford, at NE 45th St and 4th Ave NE. Apropos to the business inside the building, this mural deals with tattooing. This mural reminds me why we go out hunting for murals, street art, and graffiti: the thrill of finding a beautiful and unexpected piece of art.

For more information on this mural, see Faces & Figures | Alex Forster, mural artist, an article in the SeattlePI.

Slave to the Needle Mural–Cabron MuralSlave to the Needle Mural–Cabron MuralSlave to the Needle Mural–Cabron Mural

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