
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Ex-Vandals Behind Wexley School for Girls

Location: Behind the Wexley School for Girls (47.615938,-122.342058).

Creator: SNO Ex Vandals, Lords. Lives in Tacoma, WA. from San Jose, CA (thanks to the comment below).

Description: Member tags of the Northwest Coast edition of the Ex-Vandals? See the article Experienced Vandals at the @149st site. I confess that I read “ex” as in done with vandalizing, as implied as well the SF Weekly piece, Fan Favorites: Street Artists the Ex-Vandals Are Still Tagging Buildings, But Now People Love It . The title of @149thst site, however, implies it means “experienced”. The "Ex-Vandals" designation goes back to the 1970s, when a group of young New York street artists decided to “write” as a unit, mostly on the city's subways.


  1. Artist: SNO Ex Vandals, Lords. Lives in Tacoma, WA. from San Jose, CA.


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