
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fire Hydrant and Wicker Rocker

Wicker Rocker - Yellow Fire Hydrant
Must be spring cleaning. This time in the outdoor furniture category, a wicker rocker by a yellow fire hydrant. Good luck wicker rocker in finding a new home.

Writing this, I started to wonder why yellow for this fire hydrant and red and green for others - at least I thought those were colors I saw in the past. Some color standards have been proposed (for example, see Designing Water and Hydrant Systems) so that the color of the different parts of a fire hydrant (body, bonnet, and caps) can help firefighters quickly tell what kind of water it is (e.g., municipal or private) and the type of flow (gallons per minute) they can expect if they hook up. In this case, it's not clear if the bright yellow here is just a easily identifiable color or part of a standard.  And, I have no idea what wicker by a fire hydrant means.

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