
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wilson Pacific Indian Murals

Left: Two Images from the Wilson Pacific (School) Murals – Geronimo and Sitting Bull; Right: Chief Joseph and Feather
Two Images from the Wilson Pacific (School) MuralsChief Joseph and Feather
Location: Wilson Pacific Elementary School, 1330 N 90th Street, Seattle

By: Andrew Morrison

Description: Wilson-Pacific Elementary closed in 2000, yet according to this Seattle Time article, Morrison created the first murals there in 2001 and his last murals in 2007. A project is underway to build a new school on the site of Wilson-Pacific. Seattle Times article reports that a rift between the artist and Seattle Public Schools is over, and the murals will be preserved.

The biggest murals (25 feet high) feature Chief Seattle, Chief Joseph, and other Haida mythical figures. The size and impact of these murals is hard to appreciate from photos. You have to stand in front of them to get the full effect. They are amazing. More amazing is to see the real life inspirations for each mural side-by-side at Andrew Morrison’s web site.

Left: Chief Seattle, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Sitting Bull; Right: Close-up of Chief Seattle and Chief Joseph Panels with Person in for Size
Chief Seattle, Chief Joseph, and Other FiguresClose-up of Chief Seattle and Chief Joseph Panels with Person in for Size

Left: Left Part of Wall “Dedicated to All Tribes and Nations”; Center: Entire Wall; Right: Right Part of Wall “Protect Life”
Left Part of Wall “Dedicated to All Tribes and Nations”Entire WallRight Part of Wall “Protect Life”

Left: Wilson Pacific – Colored Mural; Right: Andrew Morrison Signature
Wilson Pacific – Colored MuralAndrew Morrison Signature

A Wall of Figures Miniature Effect (left) and Normal (right)
A Wall of Figures Blurred A Wall of Figures - Wilson Pacific

Left: Three Figures in Regalia, with Woman; Right: The Loading Dock
Three Figures in Regalia, with WomanThe Loading Dock

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I discovered the murals just driving around one day, and you're right--they have an extraordinary impact.


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