
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dactylopius - Got Cactus?

Left: Dactylopius – Spelled in Dactylopius; Right: The Painted Cactus?
Dactylopius – Spelled in DactylopiusThe Painted Cactus

Is this is getting to be an annual affair? The Las Vegas Painted Cactus celebration? Or, the Dactylopius Derby? Last year’s Opuntia-painting (Binomen Art –Dactylopius) was largely gone color wise, but the impressions were still visible on the cactus pads. We repainted, enlisting nieces who were a little a squeamish in the smooshing of the scale insects to get our “paint”. They quickly got over it as silliness took over inventing phrases and possible hashtags: “got cactus?”, “I am cacti”, “#savethecacti”, “#cactushugger”, “#yolo”, and “#paintthecactus”.

Hashtags and Phrases on Cactus Pads
Hashtags and Phrases on Cactus PadsHashtags and Phrases on Cactus PadsHashtags and Phrases on Cactus Pads

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