
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mexican History Mural in Brawley California

Left: A Stern-Looking Lady Liberty; Right: Pancho Villa Headline
Stern Lady LibertyPancho Villa Headline

The headline reads “Villa Captures Carranza Garrison, …” referring to Francisco Villa (1878 – 1923), nicknamed Pancho Villa, a Mexican Revolutionary general, and Venustiano Carranza de la Garza (1859 – 1920), a leader of the Mexican Revolution who became President of Mexico. It’s not clear which of the many skirmishes with Carranza the headline refers to.

The designers seem to want us to read the mural as a very compact timeline from left to right starting with the Maya, moving to the Aztecs, to an eagle grasping a snake (as on the Mexican flag), to something in the middle no longer visible, to the Mexican Revolution, and finally to a very stern Lady Liberty.

The mural is on the east side of a building at B St. and N 9th St.

Mural of Mexican History and Imagery
Mural of Mexican History and ImageryMural of Mexican History and ImageryMural of Mexican History and Imagery

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