
Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Few Reykjavík Murals

We simply didn’t have enough time to capture that much street art around Reykjavik being there only two days. Here are a few images we captured around the main shopping street Laugavegur (northwest end of Reykjavik). Most of the these photos were taken in a space between Hverfisgata and Laugavegur between Smiðjustígur and Klapparstígur. From what we can tell, this is just scratching the surface of all the hidden murals and artwork. An article from the Grapevine gives some context to the murals: these are waiting areas “that have been sidelined in the planning process, and handed over to artists and cultural players to create dynamic temporary works and ignite debate about the future of the cityscape. It is the latest of the many ‘meanwhile projects’ that can be seen across town, commissioned by the City of Reykjavík to stimulate otherwise neglected spaces.”


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