
Monday, September 3, 2012

Lake Caroline Hike - The Enchantments

Lake Caroline (left), Snags on the Way Up To the Lake (right)
Lake CarolineTree Snags
We meant to go to Colchuck Lake but we didn’t go far enough down road 7601 to pick up the right trailhead. We stopped too early and started up the Eightmile Lake trail, 1554 instead. We didn’t discover our mistake until we ran into a nice lady who gave us a map and set up straight. Despite the mix up, we continued on to Lake Caroline and had a great time. The area burned in 1994 and as you leave Little Eightmile Lake, you really notice it. We found it quite beautiful. The silver snags, charred trunks, and the lush green undergrowth.

Roundtrip, we measured about 10.6 miles from trailhead to Lake Caroline and back. It took us about 7 hours with stops and lunch. Here’s the hike description on the Washington Trails Association web site.

Aster ledophyllus (left), Erigeron philadelphicus, Daisy (right)
Aster ledophyllus Erigeron philadelphicus, Daisy

Faunus Angelwing (Polygonia faunus) (left), Bigheaded Grasshopper (Aulocara elliotti)? (right)
Faunus Angelwing (Polygonia faunus) Bigheaded Grasshopper (Aulocara elliotti)

Bark and Out of Focus Background (left), Gnarly Branch (right)
Bark and Out of Focus Background Gnarly Branch

Hand on Pinus Ponderosa (left), Little Eightmile Lake (right)
Hand on Pinus Ponderosa  Little Eightmile Lake

Pink Monkey-Flower (Mimulus lewisii) by a stream (left), Oceanspray - Creambush (Holodiscus discolor) (right)
Pink Monkey-Flower (Mimulus lewisii)Oceanspray - Creambush (Holodiscus discolor)

Sitka Mountain Ash (Sorbus sitchensis)
Sitka Mountain Ash (Sorbus sitchensis)

Partial Map of the Enchantments
Partial Map of the Enchantments

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