
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol Hill

Pillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol HillPillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol Hill
On my way to Terra Plata I caught a glimpse of this mural, a collaboration between Northwest School and local artist Derek Wu. A women (Marz Martinez our research reveals) rips open the gray and reveals buzzing bees. What does it all mean?

Plymouth Pillars Park is just across Boren Ave from the mural. The small park overlooks the city and contains four columns from the Plymouth Congregational Church which was demolished in 1966. Ah, progress. But at least we have the bees across the street.

Let There Be BeesPillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol Hill    Pillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol HillPillars Park, Bees Mural, Capitol Hill

Nearby Plymouth Pillars Park  (left) and Tunnel Boring Machine (right)
Plymouth Pillars Park Tunnel Boring Machine

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