
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Darwin Mural - Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz - Galápagos

Mural In Puerto Ayora (left) and Bust of Darwin in Peurto Baquerizo Moreno (right)
Darwin Mural In Puerto Ayora Bust of Darwin in Peurto Baquerizo Moreno
Reviewing some pictures from our trip we came across this photo of mural on a wall in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz. We left early in the morning from Puerto Villamil for a two hour boat ride to Puerto Ayora. As we pulled into Puerto Ayora and got off the boat we saw this mural. It is signed “Dries 98”. It seems like the mural is intended be read from left to right, giving a quick pictorial overview of the islands’ history. The pictorial overview includes pirates, Darwin (no less with a finch on a finger), whaling (with a mysterious red-suited figure on a boat), and a van representing immigration (?) to the islands in the 20th century.

Arriving in Puerto Ayora (left) and Darwin Mural (right)
Puerto AyoraDarwin Mural - Puerto Ayora
Mural Signature “Dries 98”Darwin Mural - Puerto Ayora, Signature

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