
Monday, September 26, 2011

Roseville Mostique and Pears

Roseville Mostique and Pears
We went through a Roseville phase – it must be admitted – and hadn’t thought much about these pieces for a while until a friend brought over some local pears – three varieties. (Sorry, we don’t have the variety names.) The pears called out to us to be photographed with Roseville Mostique. Really. Mostique is a Roseville pattern introduced sometime between 1915 or 1916 (1915 given by the Roseville Pottery Information Center site and 1916 by the Roseville Pottery Information and History site). Plus or minus a year, they are fun pieces. And, a big thanks to Kerri for the pears!

Pears are part of the rose family (Rosaceae) and have the genus name Pyrus. According to Wiktionary, Pyrus comes from the Latin pirus for “pear tree”.
Roseville Mostique and Pears
Roseville Mostique and Pears

1 comment:

  1. you are just soooo artsy fartsy. if you don't like those roseville pieces, i can take 'em off your hands! ;)


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