
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Red Hill Marina Boat Launch–Salton Sea

Red Hill Marina Boat Launch

After the passing another rapture opportunity recently, we couldn’t help but have the end-of-world concept in our heads as we stopped at the Red Hill Marina boat launch. Maybe it was the end of the day and the light, but it felt like the end, in a scenic way. The boat launch here was not really operable as the level of the Salton Sea has dropped recently. And, darn it is boating season, April 1 to September 30. The Red Hill Marina boat launch is located at the south end of the Salton Sea.

Years ago we had stopped at Red Hill Marina County Park and the water was higher, you could go boating. On that day we were bird watching (the Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge is nearby) and hunting around for obsidian. Obsidian is typically found within the margins of rhyolitc lava flows. Across the way from Red Hill, to the southwest is the geographical feature called Obsidian Butte. Some good photos and experience exploring Red Hill can be found here.

The Boat Launch High and Dry
Red Hill Marina Boat Launch

Informational Sign – It’s Boating Season!
Red Hill Marina Sign

Looking West From the Boat LaunchView West From Red Hill Marina Boat Launch

Looking Across to Obsidian Butte
View South Red Hill Marina Boat Launch

Looking South at Geothermal Plants
View South From Red Hill Marina Boat Launch

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