
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Still Life Coffee House in Fremont Mural

The Mural

The title The Still Life Coffee House in Fremont Mural is not an official title that we know of but it is written on the wall so we’ll go with that. The mural is signed Parris, 1994 and is located here near the corner of Fremont and N 35th Street. On the web site Master of Street Art / Examples of Seattle Kitsch, the artist Parris is described as “the dean of Seattle street artists. His ‘primitive,’ linear designs appear everywhere in the city’s funkier districts…”.

The Still Life Coffee House has been gone for years now, but this mural remains. (The 35th Street Bistro is now in the old Still Life Coffee House space adjacent to the mural.) The mural is sort of jazzy-modern-cubist in an early 20th century way. (How’s that for artsy language?) We think of the following artists when looking at the mural: Fernand Léger (1881-1955), Paul Klee (1879 - 1940), Wassily Kandinsky (1866 - 1944), Thomas Hart Benson (1889 - 1975), and Jacob Lawrence (1917 - 2000). The more we stared at the picture before creating this blog post, the more remarkable the mural seemed.

Various Color Tweaks of the Mural

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