
Monday, November 22, 2010

Mondovì Funicular (Funicolare)

Mondovì Funicular and Arches
Mondovì Funicular

The town of Mondovì is situated on two levels, Breo (the lower level) and Piazza (the upper level). The two are naturally connected by roads, but you can also take the funicular (funicolare in Italian) as well. The funicular was closed for over thirty years and reopened in 2006 after a rebuild. More facts. It just takes a few minutes to get from one part of the town to the other. Once in the Piazza, you will want to make your way to the Giardino del Belvedere to take in the panorama and walk around the Torre dei Bressano.

Entrance to the Funicular in Breo
Mondovì Funicular

Funicular Plaque with Description
Mondovì Funicular

Inside the Funicular
Mondovì Funicular

View Down to Breo
Mondovì Funicular

View from the Funicular Looking Northwest
Mondovì Funicular
Funicular Tracks
Mondovì Funicular

Chiesa S.S. Pietro e Paolo in Breo Mondovì Near the Funicular Entrance
Mondovì Funicular

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